Troop 78
In May, we bridged
are now Junior #318!!!
****1999-2000 year: This year our troop has 20 third grade girls. Our big trip this year is to spend a weekend at a Dude Ranch. All of our money is going toward this trip! Other than that we are finishing up our last few Try-its and getting ready for our bridging.
Also this year (going into next year), we have 6 girls who are completed the requirements for their Catholic Religious Recognition "I Live My Faith". These girls will receive their recognition at the Bishops Mass in September 2000. Good Job!!
****1998-99 year, This year there are about 20 registered girls. Almost all of these
girls are in 2nd grade. These girls have had a busy start to their year. They
have participated in a Bike
Rodeo, went tent camping for the first time (in a storm
too!!), and went on two field trips. Troop 78 is very active!! Currently they are
planning their Halloween Party
and Investiture/rededication ceremony.
Congratulations!!! To our Brownie (Kayleigh) who, on September 20, 1998, attended the Bishops Mass and received "The Family Of God" religious recognition. Good Job:)
****This year (1997-1998) Brownie Troop 78 will meet after school on Thursdays. Troop 78 has 20 registered girls and 6 registered adults. Out of the 20 girls, 19 are first year Brownies!! In December one of our friends moved....we sure do miss her.
This troop has an older Girl Scout helper who comes in and help out at meetings as well as teaches us songs. Our helper is working on her Silver Award. As part of her Silver Award, on March 5, 1998 she ran the meeting and helped the girls earn their Dancercize Try-it! Thank you and good job!
Upcoming Activities.........
Go to Troop 78's activity page
Been there done that!!!!!!!!!!!!
June 17, 2000: Fireman's Parade
May 29, 2000: Memorial Day Parade
May 20, 2000: A Brownie Theater Day (1 girl attended)
May 12, 2000: Bridging Ceremony (19 girls attended)
May 5-6, 2000: Dude Ranch (19 girls attended)
May 5, 2000: A Day at the Zoo
April 29, 2000: Skychiefs Game
April 9, 2000: BioSongs-Peggy Eyres in Concert
April 8, 2000: Flag Ceremony at the Girl Scouts Annual Meeting (5 girls participated)
March 23: Junior Troop visits to help us bridge.
March 18, 2000: A sweet Sign of Spring
March 3, 4, and 18th, 2000: Cookie Booth Sales
March 11, 2000: Syracuse Crunch Game
March 2, 2000: Cadette troop visits and does cookie play for us:)
February 12, 2000: Syracuse University Women's Basketball Game
January 29 & February 5, 2000: Aladdin, by Upstate NY Ballet (1 girl attended)
January 22-23, 2000: Camping at Stevens Lodge (15 girls attended)
January 16-17, 2000: Me & My Gal Bowling (2 girls attended)
December 17, 1999: Community Christmas Caroling (14 girls attended)
December 5, 1999: Nutcracker, By Moscow Ballet (2 girls attended)
December 5, 1999: Community Tree Lighting (9 girls attended)
November 12, 1999: Sock Hop
November 13, 1999: Rumpelstiltzkin, By Syracuse Symphony (1 girl attended)
October 23, 1999: Brownie Sports Day
October 22, 1999: Birthday Party Dance For Juliette Low (10 girls attended)
October 16, 1999: Fall Festival IV, "In to the Deep Blue Sea-An Island Adventure"-Postponed until Spring
October 11, 1999: Hay ride and Pumpkin Picking at the Boo Barn (19 girls attended)
October 9, 1999: Brownies Love to Cook
September 25, 1999: USA Tennis For Girl Sports
September 23, 1999: Grand opening Ceremony at McDonald's (16 girls attended)
June 22, 1999: Funscapes (17 girls attended)
June 12, 1999: Burnett Park Zoo (Meet a Zoo Keeper, Pony Rides) (6 girls attended)
May 1999: 3 girls bridge to Juniors
May 27, 1999: Central Square Train Station (16 girls attended)
May 15-16, 1999: Service Unit Encampment (18 girls
May 8, 1999: Beaver Lake Hike (8 girls attended)
March 27, 1999: Sweet Sign of Spring at Beaver Lake Nature Center
March 13, 1999: An Irish celebration
February 21, 1999: Mom and me bowling (1 girl attended)
February 1999: Backyard bird count (2 girls participated)
February 12-13, 1999: Sleepover at the Museum of Science and Technology (10 girls attended)
February 11, 1999: Thinking Day Candle ceremony
February 6, 1999: Peter Pan Ballet (1 girl attended)
February 6, 1999: Family Day at Camp Hoover (2 girls attended)
January 1999: Cookie sale begins
December 1998: Zoo Night of Lights
December 11, 1998: Community Christmas Caroling (12 girls attended)
December 3, 1998: Nutcracker Ballet
December 6, 1998: Community Tree Lighting (16 girls attended)
November 21, 1998: Fun @ the Met - canceled due to Labor Day Storm Damage.
November 13, 1998: Harvest Ball (Black Cat Boogie) at Central Square middle School
October 24, 1998 : Fall Festival (3 girls attended)
October 12, 1998: Trip to Plainville Turkey Farm "Frontier Experience" (18 girls attended)
October 10, 1998: Boyz in the Wood (Syracuse Symphony) (1 girl attended)
October 4, 1998:
Bike Rodeo in Central Square (12 girls attended)
October 3, 1998: Apple Picking, cider making etc in Mexico, NY (13 girls attended)
September 26-27, 1998: Tent camping at Camp Near
Wilderness (13
girls attended)
June, 1998: Syracuse Trip: We went into Syracuse to the Museum of Science and Technology, the Planetarium, and the
Omnitheatre to see Everest.
June 11, 1998 Last meeting and end of year picnic/party
June 6-7, 1998: Lodge Camping at Camp Near Wilderness.
May 2, 1998 Sports Day: We have been asked to perform the opening ceremony for this event.
April 23, 1998: in connection with our Dental Health Patch we will have a visitor at our meeting.
April 9, 1998 In connection with our World Of People Patch a toddler will be visiting our troop meeting.
March 29, 1998: Our troop is going swimming.
March 28, 1998 A Sweet Sign Of Spring: at least 2 of our girls are going to Beaver Lake Nature Center for breakfast, hikes
and to learn about maple syrup.
March 26, 1998 Winter Fun Day and our Teddy Bear Ice Cream Social
March 21, 1998 Me and My Best Friend: 5 girls were going to attend this fun event however it was canceled due to weather.
It is being
March 19, 1998: 15 of our girls attended a roller skating party.
March 14, 1998 Two By Seuss: 2 girls attended the Syracuse Symphony. At this show two famous Dr. Seuss stories were
put to music!! It was done very well...we loved it!
March 6-7, 1998: 7 of our girls participated in our first booth sales. We sold about 140 boxes.
March 5, 1998: Bridget (An older Girl Scout) ran our meeting and helped us earn our Dancercize Try-it!
February 20, 1998: 16 girls went to Tully, NY to the Agway Farm Research Center. We went on a wonderful tour, saw a
video, got to pet the cows and earned our Dairy Patch.
February 12, 1998: We had our Thinking Day Ceremony and received our World Association Pins.
February 7, 1998: About 1/2 of the troop attended a workshop at the Home Depot in Dewitt and learned to build a bird
January 1998: spent a lot of time getting ready for the Cookie Sale!
December 19, 1997: Most of the troop attended the Christmas caroling around our community.
December 7, 1997: This troop participated in the community tree lighting. .
December 4, 1997 Nutcracker: About 6 girls attended the ballet and loved it!!
November21-22, 1997, brings Brownie troop 78's first sleep over. 19 out of 20 girls will be attending. The Food fun, Art to
Wear, Puppets, Dolls and Plays, and Space Explorer Try-its should be finished up at this time.
November 14, 1997: Harvest Ball: 4 girls were signed up to attend this father-daughter dance. However it was canceled due
to weather and rescheduled for the weekend of our sleep over. In the end none of the girls attended.
November 13, 1997: Brownie troop 78 had their rededication/investiture ceremony. The girls also received their Outdoor Fun
Try-it as well as the Girl Scout Ways Try-it. 2 girls received their Art to Wear Try-it and 3 Girls received their Point, Click,
Go Try-It.
November 8, 1997: Brownie Troop 78 went to the Amboy 4-H Environmental camp. They went on hikes and did crafts. All
of the girls who attended earned their Outdoor Fun Try-it.
November 1, 1997 Spooktacular: An afternoon of story telling along with the Syracuse symphony turned out to be lots of fun!
October 25, 1997 Fun at the Met: 2 girls attended this event. They did some tye-dye and made and learned about drums.
October 18, 1997 Fall Festival: 4 girls attended this event. They learned to line dance, had their faces painted, learned to tie
knots, made suncatchers and yarn dolls and had a lot of fun!
October 2, 1997 Troop 78 meets for the first time. We learned about Brownies, Kaper charts and the five worlds. We also
voted on which Try-its we wanted to achieve.
September 13, 1997 Family Day at Camp Near Wilderness in Parish, NY: 1 member of our troop attended this event. It was
a fun filled day with crafts, hikes and camp fire cooking.