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Mohawk Flush Doors
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[E-Pro]     [D-tail]

Self-Extracting - Install Files

Mohawk E-Pro 2003

EPro2003v101.exe 7.38Mb 02/14/2004

Feb 14, 2004 Release Notes (2003 v1.01)

  • Improved compatibility - Win98 thru WinXP.

  • Error reporting if no printer installed.

  • Updated for 2004 Freight Rates

  • Updated Bifolds to allow 1 or 2 year warranty only

  • Updated Edgebonded Top Rail (Non-Rated) to $7

  • Maintain Tab now has a button to print machining codes/prices

  • Note: Custom Features & Machining (Factory Version Only), added Nov 23, 2002.  To use simply double-click a column header (e.g. Description), a Custom item pop-up form will appear.

  • Header Info Form now has: Copy Job, Delete Job, Email Job

  • Email Job sends only RTF (Rich Text Format) copy.  Data to be added.

  • WLA & WFA - new codes for Additional (multi) lites

  • MA109 Oversize code fixed.  Will now display if >3/0 OR >7/0

  • Header Info Form now has: Add Custom Comment, Edit/Delete Custom Comment buttons

  • Blocking Adders on Quote Header have been updated

  • Detailed Estimate is now the DEFAULT

  • New footer note, regarding lites/louvers as compatible hardwood.

  • MVP Pricing Updated

  • Warning at pairs to create 2 line-items if machining is different.

    Click here to download an Adobe Acrobat file with all Machining Options

    EPro2002v1.exe 14.9Mb

    Update Only v1.03 - 2.14Mb (mod. Nov. 23, 2002)

    Nov 23 Release Notes (v1.03)

    • Added Warning regarding no pricing for Positive Pressure

    • Added Custom Features & Machining Adds (Factory Version Only)

    Nov 06 Release Notes (v1.02)

    • Fixed Bug#2 - Hardwood Rails on 5 Ply

    Nov 02 Release Notes (v1.01)

    • Update Phone/Fax #s for South Bend, IN Plant

    • Fixed Bug -  Hardwood Rails on 5 Ply

    • Fixed Bug - Odd Size @ Mineral Core

    • Fixed Bug - Network Install (Table Relinking)

    Mohawk D-tail 2002

    D-tail2002v1.exe 23.2Mb (mod. Sept 10, 2002)

    Update Only 6.31Mb (mod. Jun 01, 2003)

    D-tail 2002 Install and Getting Started PDF 1.83Mb

    Jun 01, 2003 - Release Notes

    • Updated Ceco 7/10 Hinge Locations

    2002 Release Notes

    Oct 01 - Release Notes

    • Added Generic Error Handling to reduce "Run-Time" Errors, and allow users to remain in the program.  Please note:  Users will receive generic error descriptions, that will allow the developer to troubleshoot the issue.

    Sept 10 - Release Notes

    • Fixed permissions "bug" for the "Save Defaults - New Name" which allows distributors to save multiple pre-defined defaults

    • Fixed omission of Deadlock Model# not appearing on machining sheet.  It will now be referenced under "Other Hardware"

    • Corrected Tab-Order on the "New Page/Quick Machining Form"

    • Reformatted Width Dimension boxes on Lites & Louvers near "w" where it was getting cut-off

    • Turned-On optional Scroll Bars on the "New Page/Quick Machining Form"

    • Fixed "bug" which omitted HMF manuf name from appearing in the Factory Construction Codes on Pair-Active-Leaf

    • Fixed "Project Search" form crash-bug.  All Job Operations buttons must have JobID selected or user will receive the message "You must first select an existing job."


    D-tail2002v1.exe 23.2Mb (Original CD Version)


    This page will be updated soon, with help files and "tip & tricks"

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    Eastern Mill: 980 Point Township Road, P.O. Box 112, Northumberland, PA 17857-0112   Tel 570.473.3557    Fax 570.473.3737

    Midwest Mill: 402 N. Sheridan Street, P.O. Box 3098, South Bend, IN 46619-1416            Tel 574.288.4464    Fax 574.232.4621