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SECTION 08210 – WOOD DOORS PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 Related Documents: Drawings and general provisions of contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division-1 Specification sections, apply to work specified in this section. 1.02 Description of Work: Extent and Location of each type of wood door is shown on drawings and in schedules. Factory Priming of wood doors is included in this section.
Factory Finishing
of wood doors is included in this section. Light and Louvers for wood doors, including furnishing and installation, are specified under this section.
1.03 Fire-Rated Wood Doors: Provide wood doors with fire-resistance ratings indicated; materials and type of construction to those used in assemblies that have been tested in compliance with ASTM E 152 and are labeled and listed by a testing and inspection organization acceptable to authority having jurisdiction. Manufacturer: Obtain doors from a single manufacturer to ensure uniformity in quality of appearance and construction, unless otherwise indicated. 1.04 References: Comply with the applicable requirements of the following standards unless otherwise indicated:
ANSI/W.D.M.A. I.S. 1-A-97:
“Industry Standard for Wood Flush Doors” published by Window &
Door Manufacturer’s Association (W.D.M.A.). 1.05 Submittals: Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings indicating location and size of each door, elevation of each kind of door, details of construction, location and extent of hardware blocking, fire ratings, requirements for factory finishing, and other pertinent data. Include finishing specifications for doors to receive factory-applied finish. Include certifications as might be required to show compliance with specifications. Product Data: Submit door manufacturer’s product data, specifications, and installation instructions for each type of wood door.
Field Dimensions:
Take dimensions of and obtain all necessary information from
existing steel frames and indicate on shop drawings.
Factory Finished Doors:
Submit 8" x 11" samples showing fully completed factory finish on
same veneer and edge construction that will be used on
factory-finished doors. Submit full range of samples from which
selection can be made. Tinting stain may be required at
architect’s option in order to match finish on existing doors to
remain. and contractor, agreeing to repair or replace defective doors that have warped (bow, cup, or twist), which show telegraphing of core construction below face veneers, or do not conform to tolerance limitations of W.D.M.A. and AWI. Lifetime warranted doors shall also include consideration for refinishing and reinstallation that might be required due to repair or replacement of defective doors. Manufacturer reserves the right to determine appropriate resolution of field claims. Warranty shall be in effect during following period of time after date of substantial completion: HOLLOW CORE INTERIOR: (Select one) __1 year __ 2 year __ 5 year. SOLID CORE INTERIOR: (Select one) __1 year __2 year __5 year __ Lifetime. SOLID CORE EXTERIOR: (Select one) __1 year __2 year.
Architectural Specifications Guide Effective 2/01 TB 3
Contractor’s Responsibilities: Replace or refinish doors where contractor’s work contributed to rejection or to voiding of manufacturer’s warranty. Contractor responsible for coordinating and acquiring all necessary information from hardware and metal frame manufacturers. 1.06 Product Delivery, Storage, and Handling: Protect doors during transit, storage, and handling to prevent damage, soiling, and deterioration. Comply with requirements of referenced standards and recommendations of W.D.M.A. pamphlet “HOW TO STORE, HANDLE, FINISH, INSTALL, AND MAINTAIN WOOD DOORS,” as well as with manufacturer’s instructions. Identify each door with individual opening numbers that correlate with designation system used on shop drawings for door, frames, and hardware, using temporary, removable, or concealed markings. Project Conditions: Conditioning: Do not deliver or install doors until conditions for temperature and relative humidity have been stabilized and will be maintained in storage and installation area during remainder of construction period to comply with the following requirements applicable to project’s geographical location: Referenced AWI quality standard including Section 100-S-3 “Moisture Content.” PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.01 Acceptable Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide doors of one of the following: Mohawk Flush Doors, Inc. Algoma Hardwoods, Inc.; Eggers Hardwood Products Corp.; Weyerhaeuser Company
2.02 Materials and Components:
Fusible Link:
Manufacturer’s standard fusible link louver formed of 18-gauge
cold-rolled steel, factory-primed or baked enamel paint finish,
color selected by architect for use in door of fire rating
indicated. Metal Light Frames: 20-, 45-, 60-, and 90-minute approved vision panel. Metal frames for light openings in fire doors: manufacturer’s standard frame formed of 18-gauge rolled steel, factory-primed or baked enamel paint finish, approved for use in door of fire rating indicated by architect.
Wood Frames:
20-, 45-, 60-, and 90-minute approved vision panel. For light
openings in fire doors: manufacturer’s standard
Non-Rated Wood Light Frame:
Provide manufacturer’s standard profile in species: 2.03 General Fabrication Requirements:
Transom and Side Panels:
Whenever transom panels or side panels of wood are shown in same
framing systems as wood Light Openings: Factory-cut openings: cut out and trim openings through doors to comply with applicable requirements of
referenced standards for kind(s) of doors required. Interior Flush Wood Doors: Solid Core Doors:
(Select choice) _____ 7-Ply _____ 5-Ply Veneer Species: (Select choice) _____ Rotary Natural Birch _____Rotary Select _____ Red or _____White Birch _____Premium Plain Sliced Natural Birch _____Premium Plain Sliced _____Red or _____ White Oak _____Premium Plain Sliced Walnut _____Premium Plain Sliced _____African or _____Honduras Mahogany _____Premium Plain Sliced American _____Black Cherry _____Tempered Hardboard _____Plastic Laminate _____Manufacturer _____Identification numbers _____other species _________________
AWI Grade: (Select choice) _____ AA Premium _____ A Premium _____B Veneer Match: (Select choice) _____Center match _____ Balance match _____Running match _____Pair match _____Sequence match _____Transom match _____Continuous match _____End match Constructions: (Select choice) _____core:
_____ MFPC-7 (Drop-in, non-glued, particle core 28 to 32 lb.
density) Special Edge Construction: (Select choice) Stile width _____ inches, Rail width _____ inches Dutch Door: (Select choice) _____Shelf one side _____Shelf two sides _____Shelf bracket _____One _____ Two _____Four _____ Matching species _____Other species Dutch door panels to have manufacturer’s standard rabbet and standard radius on shelf and shelf bracket.
Wicket Door:
Size of shelf as indicated:
Fire-Rated Mineral Core Doors:
Comply with the following requirements: 1-3/4"-thick mineral
composition core, bearing label of Construction Manufacturer’s Standard Core: Construction as required to provide fire resistance rating indicated.
Edge Construction:
Provide manufacturer’s standard laminated edge construction for
improved screw-holding capability and split
One side _____Two sides _____Neutral Pressure _____Positive
Pressure 2.04 Factory Finish: Prefinish wood doors at factory. Comply with recommendations of AWI for factory finishing of doors, including
final sanding immediately before application of
finishing materials to all faces and edges. Color of Tint: _____Clear _____Teak _____Red _____Brown _____Dark Brown _____Walnut _____Mahogany _____Gray _____Special tint selected by architect Color of Paint: (Select one) _____Manufacturer’s standard 2071 White enamel _____Manufacturer’s standard L-4000 _____Special color selected by architect. Factory Priming: Seal all faces and edges of doors with two coats of vinyl-alkyd base material.
(Select one) _____Manufacturer’s standard white _____Special
color selected by architect. 2.05 Prefitting and Preparation for Hardware: Prefit and Premachine wood doors at factory. Comply with tolerance requirements of AWI for prefitting.
Architectural Specifications Guide Effective 2/01 TB 5
Machine doors in accordance to the final hardware schedule, frame shop drawings, hardware templates, and other essential information required to ensure proper fit of doors and hardware. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.03 Adjust and Clean: Operation: Rehang or replace doors that do not swing or operate freely, as directed by architect. Finished Doors: Refinish or replace doors damaged during installation, as directed by architect. Protection and Completed Work: Advise contractor of proper procedures required for protection of installed wood doors from damage or deterioration until acceptance of work. END OF SECTION 08210 |
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Eastern Mill: 980 Point Township Road, P.O. Box 112, Northumberland, PA 17857-0112 Tel 570.473.3557 Fax 570.473.3737 Midwest Mill: 402 N. Sheridan Street, P.O. Box 3098, South Bend, IN 46619-1416 Tel 574.288.4464 Fax 574.232.4621 |