Empire State Chapter - Door & Hardware Institute
February, 1996 --
New Agenda for March Meeting - Richard Barnhard AHC/CDC (president-DHI National) and Jerry Heppes CAE (Executive Director) will be visiting our chapter in March. We look forward to having them address our chapter regarding the sweeping changes in the structure of the "New DHI". We sincerely hope you will attend, and learn about the positive new direction of our organization. We will also discuss the ideas from the Leadership Meeting (to be attended by Norm Stevens - Chapter President). This years Leadership Meeting is being held March 14 through 17 in Sante Fe, just prior to our next chapter meeting. Come join us as we kick off the programs for the New Year with Jerry and Dick!
AWI Wood Door Seminar Postponed - Within days of the planned release of this newsletter, we were advised that all engagements for our speaker Greg Hauer-AWI, were being postponed due to serious illness. In anticipation of 60 architects and a large industry attendance, the cancellation was a great disappointment.We wish Greg a speedy recovery and hope to reschedule the seminar for the Fall.
Primary Meeting Location Changed - In an effort to eliminate the losses incurred by meetings at the Marriott, our new primary meeting location will be LeMoyne Manor (Liverpool). In addition, we will no longer be required to commit to attendance in advance. Inside this newsletter you will find the calendar of events for 1996. A reminder notice for each meeting will be faxed. Only one fax will be sent per company per location. Be sure to share the information, as it does not make sense to send a fax to each individual. The newsletter, however, will be mailed quarterly to each member, individually.
DHI-Christmas Party - Fun for All. Approximately 34 attended last years Christmas Party, held at Barbagallo's in Syracuse. The good food and friends, was an excellent way to wrap up the old year. There was a entertaining DJ on hand that added to the festive nature evening. In addition, the barber shop quartet 'Phoenix' delighted all with there performance, which included a song with our very own Bill Lahti singing lead.
Chapter President Accepts Position on Magazine Editorial Board - Norm Stevens has been drafted to, and graciously accepted, a position on the Editorial Board. This team works closely with Donna Munari, CAE, DHI's director of communications, to establish the content of Doors and Hardware - the leading industry magazine. Also, this board determines the winners of the annual Robert G. Ryan Memorial Award, given to volunteer authors for the best technical and business articles. Lastly, the group traditionally determines the winners of the Chapter newsletter contest.
Welcome New Members - List of new members since last Newsletter:
Jack Majewski Retires After 43 years - Best wishes go out to Jack and his wife Mary as Jack begins his retirement after 43 years with Stanley. We would also like to express our gratitude toward Jack as a model Factory Sales Rep., as well as for his active participation in our Chapter.
Contest Still On ...!!! - Logo Contest - WIN $50 !!! - (All entries by April meeting) The Empire State Chapter is looking for entries in a 'Chapter Logo Contest'. The creator of the winning logo gets $50. Entries should represent New York State, incorporate the national DHI logo and also integrate the words "Empire State Chapter". Keep in mind, the logos must be able to be easily reproduced, enlarged & shrunk. It is the intent to use this logo on all DHI correspondence, and would also appear on the proposed cover sheets etc..
Articles Wanted - Anyone interested in writing an article to be published in this newsletter, please contact newsletter chairman Dan Stevens. We welcome any fresh ideas for our growing chapter publication.
Letter From the President - I think we are all excited about the changes being made in our National organization, as well as in our own local chapter. As we go forward in to this new year I thought it would be appropriate to take a look at the accomplishments of the past year.
New Plan Room Bulletin from National - DHI National has begun publication of a new newsletter bulletin designed specifically for the industry member. Unlike the magazine Doors & Hardware, this publication will not be available to architects, specifiers etc.. It will carry information useful for the industry member that might not be appropriate for the magazine. One of the intents is to keep us aware of what some of the other local chapter are doing.
Schedule of DHI Technical Programs for 1996
Meeting Calendar
March 20, 1996
April 10, 1996
May 8, 1996
September 13, 1996
October 9, 1996
November 13, 1996
December 13, 1996