Empire State Chapter - Door & Hardware Institute
September, 1996 --
New meeting place! - A new restaurant has been selected for the next 3 meetings. Barbagallos in East Syracuse will be our home for the balance of this year. It was the location for our Christmas Party last year. We found the food and the service to be very good, and the price is affordable for the chapter. The use of their facility for meetings is only profitable for them(or any restaurant), because we purchase the dinners and maybe a few drinks from the bar. Please support our attempts to provide a good place for meetings by staying for dinner whenever possible.
Important vote ! - The Executive Committee has finalized the cover sheets and by-law revisions. Please read the enclosed explanations and cast your vote on these important issues by October 7th. Approval by a quorum is required to accept these proposals, so your vote is important.
Next meeting - " Promotion of Empire State Chapter / DHI Membership to the Marketplace" will be the program for the October 9th meeting. Its time to implement the plans that have been worked on for the past year, and actively promote the value of our membership and the quality of professionalism that it provides. Please plan to attend and learn how to sell these values for a more prosperous future.
Jeopardy in November! - Dust off your thinking caps! You could win cash in our " Jeopardy " game at the November 13th meeting. A great deal of work has gone into creating the answers, the playing board, and a fun way of using this game show format in an educational program for our chapter. Plan to attend and bring a guest for what should be one of the best programs ever. Remember - your answer must be in the form of a question!
Christmas Party - We will finish off the programs for this year, with our Chapter Christmas Party, on Friday December 13th. Last years party was a good time for all with music, dancing and a raffle of nice gifts. The entertainment is booked, the food and refreshments are all arranged. All we need is to make sure you plan to attend and celebrate the holiday season with us. This is a great night for couples, so bring your spouse(or significant other) and make it a night out. Note the change to Friday night so we dont have to work the next day!
See you in Cincinnati! - The location of the convention this year is within reasonable driving distance for 60% of the DHI membership. This important event for our industry has not been this close to our chapter in several years. I hope that you can attend and see the many changes that have been made to make this a very worth-while event . There will be several educational sessions, computer workshops, and all the latest products will be on display. A time to meet factory personnel, see old friends and make new ones. See you there! PS Next years convention will be in Charlotte, NC
Welcome, New Members - Our chapter continues to grow and is now 109 members strong. Please welcome these new members that have joined since our last newsletter.
Special Announcement - John R ( Jack ) Majewski, AHC, has been elected to Life Membership in DHI. A certificate was awarded to Jack at the chapter golf outing by our Regional Director, Frank Hueber, AHC/CDC. Congratulations, Jack, on a long and successful career!
Meeting Calendar
October 9th, 1996
November 13th, 1996
December 13th, 1996