Before and/or after the investiture/rededication portion of the ceremony a troop may choose to have a flag ceremony, sing a song, etc. However, the investiture/rededication should be the main part of the ceremony.
Props: 14 candles (3 for Promise, 10 for Law, and 1 to light all other candles from) The troop stands in horseshoe formation around a table with ceremonial candles. Open end of the horseshoe should be towards the audience.
The leader, or one of the girls, begins the ceremony by explaining the
meaning of “investiture” and/or rededication and the symbolism of the three
candles for the Promise and the ten candles for the Law. The participating girls
and/or adults begin to light the candles. This will be shown on this page by the
One candle is lit for each part of the GS Promise and the ten parts of the GS Law.
The number of participants will determine how many candles each girl lights
If you need more “parts”, consider having one girl speak and one girl light the candle
Leader: “At this time the girls of Troop # ________ will rededicate themselves to the service of GSing”
Leader: “Now our new members will be invested into GSing”
There are many variations of this Candlelight Ceremony. If your girls are too young to light candles, or if candles are not allowed where you meet, small flashlights can be substituted.