The Spelling of GSing
These can be put on pieces of posterboard or just read (or memorized) as the girls choose.
G is for the Gracious way we all proclaim our birth
 I points up the Ideas shared and those we’d like unearthed
R is for Respect we have for every race and creed
L is for our Loyalty to promises we heed
S is for Sincerity of deed and word and mind
C is for the Countless ways in which these are combined
O is Obligation that we owe to fellow man
U means that it’s You who must be first to lend a hand
T is for the Teamwork which has evidenced our growth
 I is for Integrity which backs the GS oath
N is for the Noble way we remember days of old
G is for the Grateful thanks for efforts toward our goal

Each of these is GSing
What work! What fun! What pride!
To recall with admiration
And seek with greater stride

Receiving all these badges
For all that we have done
Shows the pride we carry
What pride! What work! What fun!