

Lakeview Service Unit Troop Histories

In 1960 the troops fell into neighborhoods.  The neighborhoods included: Central Square, Mallory, Ft. Brewerton, West Monroe and Hastings.

Later our troops are now aligned more with the school district include: Central Square, Brewerton, Hastings-Mallory, Constantia and Cleveland.

eventually we would like to list the names of the girls in the troops also, if you know one or more girls, their troop and year they were members or any other information please drop us an email so we can add them!!

#2 #76 #133 #206 #332 #503 #635 #728
#9 #78 #134 #216 #336 #522 #646 #749
#21 #81 #135 #230 #353 #531 #650 #758
#22 #83 #150 #236  #374 #540 #667 #774
#23 #93 #154 #251 #444 #542 #683 #788
#24 #97 #167 #273 #446 #552  #699  #795
#28 #112 #169 #288 #467 #573    
#29 #113 #170 #291  #474 #577    
#33 #114 #174 #303  #483 #583
#42 #117 #182 #311 #492 #595
#52 #124 #203 #318 #499
#826 #905 #1013 SU Managers SU Events
#830 #925 #1026 Coordinator-Brewerton Registrar
#853 #941 Coordinator-Central Square
#873 #953 Independents Coordinator-Hastings/Mallory
#957 Coordinator-Constantia
#958 Coordinator-Cleveland
#970 Coordinator-Cookies
#995 Coordinator-Calendars/QSP




Local History Project