Hart Genealogy
Prepared 23 April 1996
By Heather (Robinson) Stevens
--Misc. Hart information:
-- Coat of Arms:
--The Hart coat of arms belonged to the Lord Mayor of London, of that name. It was granted to Stephen Hart in 1589.
--Meaning of the name Hart:
-- The name Hart in England is very common. It seems to be taken by men who were adept at hunting the red deer (at that time called the hart). One version says the first man to receive the name Hart was a hunter for one of the early English Kings. This man was so adept at bringing in the hart (deer) that the king dubbed him Hart.
--The name Hart in Irish is this anglicized version of the name Airdt.
--Hart religion:
--Many people of this surname were Presbyterians. In later years they were Methodist Episcopal.
--Spelling found of the name Hart:
-- Hart, Harte, Heart, Hearte
-- My grandmother, Beverly Anna (Hirschuber) always believed that her ancestors were Irish. Although Stephen came from England, he still may have been Irish. Many Irish citizens were believed to be of a lower class. Once in America Stephen was made a freeman. Therefore he and or his parents were possibly Irish servants or something along that line for an English family.
-- The numbering system used;
Stephen Hart is given the number one because he is the first Hart in which we believe to know all of his children. His children are Generation two. Each person named in generation one, is assigned a number beginning with Stephen Hart (as #1) and continuing with his child John Hart . These numbers are carried down to the next generation with the oldest child of the next generation receiving the next available number. For example Stephen (#1) his first listed child is John, he is given the number two and so on thru the generations. The names and numbers after each person give the persons direct line, by generation, back to Stephen, our number one (See example).
ie. 2. John Hart (Stephen1). This tells you that John's father is Stephen who is number one. This is his direct line of descent.
--Double Dates
--Double dates are used to account for the crossover between Julian and Gregorian calendars. It accounts for dates between January 1 and March 25 for any year before 1753. It is also used when estimating years or unclear years
* indicates my families line.
Wallingford, Connecticut, Connecticut is now called Meriden.
Before Deacon
Stephen Hart:
A. Deacon Stephens grandfather was John Hart who wed Jane Alderton on 30 May 1568 at Capel, Essex, England. Capel is a little village south of Ipswich, about half way to Dedham.
i. Stephen baptized 14 November 1568
ii. Frances (daughter), baptized 6 July 1570
iii. John, baptized 17 August 1571
iv. Priscilla, baptized 11 January 1577/78
v. Elizabeth, buried 26 June 1585.
B. Deacon Stephen’s father was Stephen Hart, baptized 14 November 1568 in Capel, St. Nicholas Parish, Ipswich, England. He wed in 1601 to a woman who was born in 1572 at St. Nicholas, Ipswich, England.
photo to the left is St. Nicholas Church.
i. Stephen (Deacon)
The photo above is the 15th century house group where Deacon Stephen Hart was born. It is located on Silent Street. Originally Silent Street was called Colyhil or Colehill Lane, then Half-Moon St (after an inn formerly there) and finally Silent Street. The last name was given because the town crier was forbidden there when the old houses were used as a hospital for the wounded during the Napoleonic wars. The only reason this structure was not torn down is because Cardinal Thomas Wolsey lived in one of them as a boy and owned the group of buildings when he was the lord chancellor of England under King Henry VIII between 1511 and 1530. Stephen Hart Sr. did not own this house, he rented it from 3 pounds a year.
Generation I
Deacon Stephen Hart, was born in Braintree, England in about 1605.
He died in March 1682/83 at the age of 77 years in Farmington,
He sailed from London, England aboard the “Lyon” on about 2 June 1632. To the left is a photo of a model of the ship. It is located in the lobby of City Hall, Braintree, UK. Stephen arrived in Boston, Massachusetts possibly on Sunday 16 September 1632. It is believed by some that he may have come with a brother named Edmund. (others believed he arrived on 2 November 1631, an earlier voyage of the Lyon).
The Lyon was owned by a group of Puritan investors in London. Rev. Thomas Hooker's party, called the Braintree Company, employed the ship and her captain, Mr. William Pierce.
Stephen arrived in Massachusetts Bay and lived in Cambridge and Dorchester.
Stephen was in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1632 and was admitted a freeman there 14 May 1634. In about 1635 he came to Hartford, Connecticut (1 of 10 men). His house lot (in 1639) was on the west side of what is now called Front Street, near where Morgan Street crosses it. There is a tradition that says the town of Hartford was named from the ford he discovered and used crossing the Connecticut River at a low stage of the water. And so from Hart’s Ford it soon became Hartford by an easy and natural transition.
Tradition further says that as he and others were on a hunting excursion on Talcott Mountain, they discovered the Farmington River Valley, then inhabited by the Tunxis, a powerful tribe of Indians. The meadows were probably then cleared and waving with grass and Indian corn. Such lands were then much needed, and coveted by the settlers, who soon-probably as soon as 1640- made a bargain with the Indians, and settled among them with their cattle. They still continued, however, connected with the settlement at Hartford, attending public worship and perhaps wintering there until about 1645 when the town was incorporated by the name of Farmington, from the excellent farms there. The principal leaders in the settlement were John Steele, William Lewis, Stephen Hart, Thomas Judd, John Bronson, John Warner, Nathaniel Kellogg, Thomas Barnes, Richard Seymour and Thomas Gridley.
About this time Mr. Roger Newton, a student in theology with Reverend Thomas Hooker (whose daughter he wed), began to preach for them, and in 1652 was ordained their pastor. Stephen Hart was one of the seven pillars of the church and was chosen their first deacon. These seven pillars, as these godly men were called, satisfied at last with each others “faith and repentance”, adopted a confession of faith and entered into a covenant. They solemnly agreed, first with God, to be his people in Christ, and then with each other, to walk together in strict observance of their Christian duties and in the enjoyment of the ordinances of the church of Christ. He appears to have taken the lead in the settlement among the Indians in Farmington and purchased a large tract on land on the border of the present town of Avon, and know to this day by the name Harts farm; probably located at or near what is now called Cider Brook on the east side of the river and near the bridge, some 3 miles North of the Farmington Village. He was one of the first representatives in 1647 and continued, with one exception, for 15 sessions until 1655 and once in 1660. He was a farmer and a large landholder; a man of great influence, and a leading character there. His house lot was four or five times as large as any other, and was situated on the west side of Main Street, opposite the meetinghouse. It contained 15 acres.
He was an early member of the church. His name is on the founder's monument. His name also appears on the plaque on a boulder at the corner of Main & Arch Street in Hartford called Adventurers Boulder. “In memory of the courageous Adventurers who inspired and directed by Thomas hooker journeyed through the wilderness from Newtown (Cambridge) in the Massachusetts Bay to Suckiaug (Hartford)-October 1635. Stephen also lived in Farmington, and was one of the original members of Farmington Church 13 October 1652 and deacon. Stephen was an original proprietor at Hartford. He was deputy from Farmington May 1647 to 1655 and again in 1660; one of the 84 proprietors of Farmington in 1672. His will dated 16 March and Inventoried 31 March 1682/83. Inv. L340-4. Stephen also enlisted during the Pequot War of 1637 from Hartford. He had a lot in the soldiers field. He was listed as being from Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1632.
Deacon Stephen Hart was married twice. The name of his first wife has not yet been found. Some sources believe it to be Sarah.
His second wife was Margaret, the widow of Arthur Smith and widow of Joseph Nash before him. Margaret died 1 March 1692 (also found 1693/94) at the age of 93 years. He may have married her in about 1679. She gave her land to her children; John and Arthur Smith and her daughter Elizabeth Thompson. Her grandchildren were Elizabeth, John and Ann Thompson.
Issue (all by first wife):
2. i. John
3. ii. Stephen
4. iii. Sarah
5. iv. Mary
6. v. Mehitable/Rachel
*7. vi. Thomas
Generation II
2. John Hart (Stephen1), son of Stephen and (?) Hart, was born in England. He died untimely in 1666 at Farmington, Connecticut. (see story below)
John married Sarah (?). Sarah joined the church at Farmington on 19 October 1653. John was admitted to the church 2 April 1654. Sarah may have died about 1666.
John was one of the first settlers of Tunxis and bought his home lot from one of the original owners, among the list of the eighty-four proprietors of 1672 is numbered the “estate of John Hart”.
John’s home, which was located near the center of the village, was fired in the night by Indians, and he and all his family, with the exception of his eldest son John, perished in the flames. His eldest son John was that night at Nod, or Northington, since called Avon, looking after the stock on a farm they owned there. In this fir also was lost the town records (they burned). The general court made diligent search among the Tunxis tribe for the incendiaries. But this neither restored life or records.
8. i. Sarah
9. ii. John
10. iii. Steven
3. Stephen Hart (Stephen1), son of Stephen and (?) Hart, was born in about 1635 in England. He died 18 July 1689 and is buried in a Farmington, Connecticut cemetery.
He married Ann Fitch, daughter of Thomas Fitch.
11. i. Stephen
12. ii. Thomas
13. iii. John
14. iv. Samuel
15. v. Anna
16. vi. Sarah
17. vii. Mary
4. Sarah Hart (Stephen1), daughter of Stephen and (?) Hart, was born in England.
On 20 November 1644 she married Deacon Thomas Porter at Hartford, Connecticut.
5. Mary Hart (Stephen1), daughter of Stephen and (?) Hart, was born about 1638 in Farmington, Connecticut. She died 10 October 1710 in Northhampton, Massachusetts.
She married John Lee in 1658 in Farmington.
Mary wed Jedediah Strong 5 January 1691 in Northampton. Mary was his third wife.
i. John, born 1659 and died 1723.
ii. Mary, born 1664
iii. Stephen, born 1669 and died 1753
iv. Thomas, born 1671 and died 1740
v. David, born 1674 and died 1759
vi. Tabitha, born 1677 and died 1750.
6. Mehitable or Rachel Hart (Stephen1), daughter of Stephen and (?) Hart, was born in America and died before March 1682/83. Based on Winthrop medical records it is believed her name was Rachel and not Mehitable.
She married John Cole.
Rachel was a frequent patient throughout 1658 and 1659, being treated for an eye problem. Beginning on 12 December 1664 John Winthrop Jr. began frequent treatments of Rachel Cole for eye problems and head pains.
i. John, married in 1691 to Mehitable Loomis. 9believe this is the Mehitable who caused some name confusion).
*7. Captain Thomas Hart (Stephen1), son of Stephen and (?) Hart, was born in about 1643/44 in Farmington, VT/CT. He died 27 August 1726 at the age of 83 years, and was buried with military honors.
Thomas married Mary Smith, daughter of Arthur and Margaret Smith.
Thomas married Ruth Hawkins sometime between 1676-1678. Ruth was the daughter of Anthony and (?) (Wells) Hawkins, of Farmington and Winsor. Ms. Wells was the daughter of Thomas Wells. She was born 24 October 1649 at Windsor, Connecticut. Ruth died 9 October 1724 at the age of 75 years in Farmington.
Thomas inherited a portion of his father’s homestead opposite the meetinghouse. He was made a freeman in 1654, confirmed ensign of Farmington-train-band by the General Court in 1678, Leut. In 1693, and Capt. in 1695. He was also Deputy from Farmington for many years, and was chosen speaker of the General Court in 1700, 1704, 1705, and 1706. He was a man of wealth, activity and usefulness. He and John Hooker were the two prominent men of the town, and conspicuous in the colony. They were the justices of the peace, filled the most important town offices, and executed important public trusts.
18. i. Mary
19. ii. Margaret
*20. iii. Hawkins
21. iv. (Deacon) Thomas
22. v. (Rev.) John
23. vi. Hezekiah
24. vii. (Capt.) Josiah
Generation III
8. Sarah Hart (John2, Stephen1), daughter of John and Sarah (?) Hart, was born in Farmington in about 1653. She died in a fire, along with her parents, in 1666 when Indians burned their home.
9. Capt. John Hart (John2, Stephen1), son of John and Sarah (?) Hart, was born in about 1655 in Farmington and died there 22 November 1714 (one source states he died on the 11th).
He married Mary Moore, daughter of Deacon Isaac Moore of Farmington. John and Mary were admitted to the church in Farmington on 24 November 1686. Mary died 19 September 1738 at the age of 74 years.
John was one of the appraisers of his uncle Stephen Hart’s estate in 1689. In May 1695 he was confirmed by the General Court ensign of the Farmington-Train-Band and in October 1703 was commissioned lieutenant, and later promoted captain. He was four successive years (1702-1705) a deputy from Farmington to the General Court, and was appointed in May 1705 as one of the auditors of the colony. The offices and honors thus bestowed upon him indicate that he stood high in the community.
25. i. John
26. ii. Isaac
27. iii. Sarah
28. iv. Matthew
29. v. Samuel
30. vi. Nathaniel
31. vii. Mary
10. Steven Hart (John2, Stephen1), son of John and Sarah (?) Hart, was born in Farmington in July 1657. He died in a fire, along with his parents, in 1666 when Indians burned their home.
11. Stephen Hart (Stephen, Stephen), son of Stephen Hart was born in 1662.
12. Thomas Hart (Stephen, Stephen), son of Stephen Hart was born in 1666 in Farmington, Connecticut. He died 23 March 1727/28 in Farmington.
Thomas married Elizabeth Judd on 18 December 1689.
32. i. Elizabeth
33. ii. Samuel
34. iii. Thomas
35. iv. Stephen
36. v. Thomas
37. vi. Joseph
38. vii. James
39.viii. William
40. ix. Mary
13. John Hart (Stephen, Stephen), son of Stephen Hart was born in 1669.
14. Samuel Hart (Stephen, Stephen), son of Stephen Hart was born in 1672.
15. Anna Hart (Stephen, Stephen), daughter of Stephen Hart was born in 1678.
16. Sarah Hart (Stephen, Stephen), daughter of Stephen Hart was born in 1675.
She married Samuel Tuttle on 11 December 1695.
i. Sarah, born 1699 and died 1740
17. Mary Hart (Stephen, Stephen), daughter of Stephen Hart was born in 1682.
18. Mary Hart (Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Thomas and Ruth (Hawkins) Hart, was born about 1666 in Farmington. She died 28 April 1752. Some sources state she is his daughter by his first wife Mary Smith.
She married Samuel Newell on 20 December 1683. Samuel was born 5 December 1660 and died 15 February 1753. He was the son of Thomas and Rebecca Newell of Farmington. He held the military rank of ensign.
i. Samuel
ii. Thomas
iii. John
iv. Mary
v. Daniel
vi. Nathaniel
vii. Sarah
19. Margaret Hart (Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Thomas and Ruth (Hawkins) Hart, died in 1735.
She married Ashael Strong Esq. On 11 June 1689. Ashael came from Northampton, Massachusetts to Farmington. He died in 1739.
Their grandson was Rev. Cyprian Strong of Chatham.
*20. Hawkins Hart (Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Thomas and Ruth (Hawkins) Hart, was born in 1677 in Farmington. He died at Wallingford, Connecticut on 24 May 1735.
He married Sarah Royce (also found as Roys), of Wallingford, Connecticut on 7 September 1701. Sarah was born 3 April 1683 at Wallingford, to Nathaniel and Sarah Lathrop Roys/Royce. She died 31 January 1733 in Wallingford, Connecticut at the age of 49 years.
Hawkins married widow Mary Street, daughter of Rev. Joseph Elliot of Guilford, CT on 30 January 1734. She was born in 1687. After Hawkins death, Mary wed Rev. Abraham Pierson of Killingworth, who died and she married her fourth husband, a Mr. Hooker of Farmington. Mary was the granddaughter of Rev. John Eliot, the apostle to the Indians, and the author of a translation of the Bible into the Indian language. A copy of this sold at auction in New York City in 1869 for the enormous sum of $1,130.
Hawkins and Sarah removed to Wallingford, Connecticut on 4 October 1755. Hawkins lived on the farm of his first wife’s father, and held the military rank of Lieutenant. Hawkins represented Wallingford, Connecticut in the General Court nine sessions between 1714 and 1732.
Issue: (1-10 with first wife)
41. i. Nathaniel
42. ii. Ruth
43. iii. Hawkins
44. iv. Hawkins
45. v. Sarah
46. vi. Esther
47. vii. Thomas
48. viii. Elizabeth
49. ix. Mary
50. x. Benjamin
51. xi. Samuel
21. Deacon Thomas Hart (Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Thomas and Ruth (Hawkins) Hart, was born in March 1680 in Kensington or Farmington, CT and died 29 January 1773. Thomas was baptized 4 April 1688.
On 17 December 1702 he married Mary Thompson, daughter of John and Mary (Steele) Thompson. She died in October 1763.
Thomas married Elizabeth Galpin, widow of Isaac Norton of Berlin, on 11 January 1764. She was 79 years old when she married Thomas (he was 84 years old). Elizabeth died 28 March 1771 and is buried beside her first husband at the South Cemetery in Berlin.. Elizabeth’s father lived in Stratford.
Thomas was the deacon of a church in Kensington, CT (about 27 January 1717-19). He was the most influential man in Kensington society. He was the justice of the peace and represented Farmington in six sessions between 1739 and 1747.
52. i. Mary
53. ii. Ebenezer
54. iii. Elijah
55. iv. Hannah
56. v. Elijah
57. vi. Ruth
58. vii. Mercy
22. Rev. John Hart (Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Thomas and Ruth (Hawkins) Hart, was born 12 April 1682. He died 24 March 1732 at East Guilford, Connecticut. John was baptized 23 April 1682.
He married Rebecca Hubbard of Boston, Massachusetts on 20 March 1712. Rebecca was born 11 November 1692 and died 7 December 1715.
John married Sarah Bull, daughter of Jonathan Bull of Hartford, Connecticut, on 12 August 1717. Sarah died 4 February 1719 at the age of 32 years.
His third marriage was to Mary Hooker on 6 December 1720. Mary was the daughter of Hon. James Hooker and granddaughter of Rev. Samuel Hooker. She was born 5 November 1693 and died 6 September 1756.
John entered Yale College in 1702; ordained pastor of the church at East Guilford, Connecticut in 1707. He was called an eminent preacher of his day. He served Yale College, as its only tutor, three years.
He had 9 children. (#59-#67)
23. Hezekiah Hart (Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Thomas and Ruth (Hawkins) Hart, was born in 1684 and died 29 September 1752. He was baptized 23 November 1684.
He married Martha Beckley, daughter of Benjamin Beckley. Martha was born 15 October 1692 and died 7 September 1752.
24. Capt. Josiah Hart (Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Thomas and Ruth (Hawkins) Hart, was born in 1686 and died 28 January 1758. He was baptized 6 December 1686.
He married Sarah Bull, daughter of Deacon Thomas Bull of Farmington, on 7 January 1713/14. She was born 5 November 1684 and died 1 July 1737.
On 22 February 1738 (also found 22 January 1738/39) he married Lois Goodwin. Lois was born 10 September 1694 to Nathaniel and Lois (Porter) Goodwin.
Josiah inherited the old homestead of his father, nearly opposite the meetinghouse in Farmington. He was the wealthiest and one of the most influential men of his day in that town. He was Justice of the Peace and possessed negro servants.
Generation IV
25. John Hart (John9, John2, Stephen1), son of John and Mary (Moore) Hart, was born in 1684 in Farmington, Connecticut and died 7 October 1753 in Kensington, Connecticut.
He married Esther (also found as Ester) Gridley on 20 March 1706. Esther was the daughter of Samuel Gridley (the trader so called). She was born 15 May 1687 in Farmington, Connecticut and died 10 July 1743 in Kensington, Connecticut. John and Esther were admitted to the church in Farmington on 31 January 1711/12. They lived on his father’s place.
John married widow Hannah Hull on 11 January 1743/44. She died 27 November 1760 at the age of 76 years.
John was chosen deacon of the church in Farmington on 19 November 1718 and later moved to Kensington where he also was deacon. Deacon John Hart was Town Clerk for many years. He was elected 23 times to the General Court between 1717 and 1743. His will states he was of Kensington. It was dated 2 March 1752 and is found in probate at Hartford. The information below is taken from his will.
Item.- I give to my beloved wife, Hannah, etc. Item.- I give to my son Judah, besides what I have already given him, 16 acres at the south end of "dead Swamp." Item.- I give to my son John all y house homestead, also my lot called the Meeting-house lot, 3 1/2 acres, bounded East on Stephen Hart, North on highway, and West on Meeting-house yard. Item.- I give to my son Solomon all my lands on "Fort Hill" about 100 acres. Item.- I give my three daughters, viz, Ester, wife of Nathaniel Newell, Mary, wife of Rev. Samuel Newell, and Sarah, wife of Stephen Root, etc.
He appointed his sons Judah and John executors of his Will, which was witnessed by James Gridley Stephen Hart and Thomas Cowles
The inventory was taken March 23d, 1754 by Giles Hooker, Nehemiah Lewis, and Solomon Cowles Appraisers amount, 1342 pounds, 15s, 3d. The distributors of the estate were Nehemiah Lewis, Solomon Cowles, and James Judd.
Issue with Esther:
68. i. Ester
69. ii. Judah
70. iii. John
71. iv. Mary
72. v. Sarah
73. vi. Solomon
74. vii. Ruth
26. Isaac Hart (John9, John2, Stephen1), son of John and Mary (Moore) Hart, was baptized 27 November 1686.
He married Elizabeth Whaples on 24 November 1721.
27. Sarah Hart (John9, John2, Stephen1), daughter of John and Mary (Moore) Hart, was baptized 11 December 1687.
She married Ebenezer Steele on 15 February 1703.
28. Matthew Hart (John9, John2, Stephen1), son of John and Mary (Moore) Hart, was born in 1690.
He married Sarah Hooker on 19 January 1725. Sarah, daughter of John and Abigail (Stanley) Hooker was baptized 29 October 1703. She later married Hewett Strong.
29. Samuel Hart (John9, John2, Stephen1), son of John and Mary (Moore) Hart, was baptized 18 September 1692.
He married Mary Hooker on 5 December 1723. Mary, daughter of John and Abigail (Stanley) Hooker was baptized 27 October 1700.
30. Nathaniel Hart (John9, John2, Stephen1), son of John and Mary (Moore) Hart, was baptized 14 April 1695. He died 24 October 1758.
He married Abigail hooker on 3 December 1719. Abigail, daughter of John and Abigail (Stanley) Hooker Esq., was born 14 January 1697/98 and was baptized 13 November 1698. She died in 1761.
75. i. Sarah
76. ii. Abigail
77. iii. Thankful
78. iv. Nathaniel
79. v. Hannah
80. vi. Selah
81. vii. Nathaniel
82.viii. Noadiah
83. ix. Asahel
31. Mary Hart (John9 , John2, Stephen1), daughter of John and Mary (Moore) Hart,
She married John Leffingwell Esq. Of Norwich, Connecticut.
32. Elizabeth Hart (Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Judd) Hart
33. Samuel Hart (Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Judd) Hart,
34. Thomas Hart (Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Judd) Hart, was born 5 June 1692 in Farmington, Connecticut. He died young.
35. Stephen Hart (Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Judd) Hart, was born 30 July 1693 in Farmington, Connecticut. He died there in 1773.
He married Eunice Munson on 29 December 1720 at Farmington.
84. i. Lois
85. ii. Samuel
86. iii. Mary
87. iv. Stephen
88. v. David
89. vi. Eunice
36. Thomas Hart (Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Judd) Hart, was born 3 November 1695. He died 21 October 1754 in Southington, Connecticut.
He married Anna Stanley on 16 March 1720/21.
90. i. Amos
91. ii. Anna
92. iii. Thomas
93. iv. Reuben
94. v. John
95. vi. Dinah
96. vii. Simeon
97. viii. Levi
98. ix. Dinah
37. Joseph Hart (Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Judd) Hart, was born in 1700.
99. i. Noah
38. James Hart (Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Judd) Hart, was born 14 December 1707.
39. William Hart (Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Judd) Hart, was born 20 August 1710.
40. Mary Hart (Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Judd) Hart, was born 7 September 1714 in Farmington, Connecticut. She died there 12 September 1716.
*41. Nathaniel Hart (Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Hawkins and Sarah (Royce/Roys) Hart, was born 13 June 1702 in Farmington. He died 2 October 1750.
He married Martha Lee, daughter of Stephen Lee on 21 December 1727.
Issue: (may be more!)
100. i. Timothy
42. Ruth Hart (Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Hawkins and Sarah (Royce/Roys) Hart, was born 13 August 1704 in Farmington.
She married William Merriam, son of John of Lynn, Massachusetts on 24 March 1726. He died 5 October 1751.
On 3 September 1762, she married Deacon Edward Parker. Edward was born in 1692 and died 21 October 1776.
43. Hawkins Hart (Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Hawkins and Sarah (Royce/Roys) Hart, was born 16 September 1706 at Wallingford, Connecticut and died there 22 September 1706.
44. Hawkins Hart (Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Hawkins and Sarah (Royce/Roys) Hart, was born 1 March 1708 at Wallingford, Connecticut. He died 17 April 1756 at Southington.
He married Susanna Merriam, 30 November 1730 at Wallingford, Connecticut. She died 23 February 1736/37. She is the mother of his first four children.
On 5 April 1738 he married Esther Gridley, daughter of Thomas Gridley. Esther was born 7 March 1706 at Farmington, Connecticut. After Hawkins death, Esther married Robert Cook on 14 December 1758.
Soon after Hawkins married Susanna he removed to Southington and located on east State, what has since been know as the Ezekiel Sloper’s place, on the west side of the highway.
101. i. Hawkins
102. ii. Sarah
103. iii. Susannah
104. iv. Hawkins
105. v. Luke
106 vi. Josiah
107. vii. Sarah
108. viii. David
109. ix. Susanna
110. x. Benjamin
45. Sarah Hart (Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Hawkins and Sarah (Royce/Roys) Hart, was born 21 May 1710.
She married Stephen Ives on 25 October 1730. Stephen was born 24 March 1704 to Nathaniel Ives.
46. Esther Hart (Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Hawkins and Sarah (Royce/Roys) Hart, was born 12 August 1712 (also found October). She died 25 March 1806 at the age of 93 years.
She married John Webb on 26 October 1730. Rev. Theophilus Hall performed the ceremony. John died 6 May 1799 at the age of 92 years at Meriden. They lived in the Meriden Parish. When Captain John Webb died in 1799 he left to his servants Daphy and Joe whom he previously emancipated a considerable amount of property for their support.
Joe and Daphy Prin or Prinn, afterwards lived in a house on Paddock avenue on the east side of the street a short distance south of the turnpike-a slight depression by the road side filled with stone still marks the site of the old house.
The son of Joe and Daphy, Robin, married the daughter of Chatham Freeman and after the latter’s death, he and his wife lived at Freeman’s old house which stood near the entrance of Mr. Charles Z. Murdock’s drive way.
“Lemon a son of Chatham Freeman lived in a house that formally stood on Swain Ave., Lemon’s son Richard died in this same home. There were many people who remembered Richard who was in great demand on many occasions, for he and his fiddle were famous the country around.”
:For many years Capt. Webb was a well-known figure and influential man in Meriden, and possessed considerable wealth. He came from Wethersfield in 1729 and built his house which stood perhaps one hundred feet east of the present home of Mrs. Juliette Y. Curtis on the then new turn pike, No. 309 Broad Street. Capt. Webb and his wife died leaving no children. He willed a greater part of his estate to his kinsman Benjamin Hart whose aunt he had married. He doubtless tore down the old house and erected the present home of Mre. Cyrtis. Capt. Webb’s kindness of heart was so great that he left his two negro slaves Joe and Daphy Prinn a handsome competence and gave them their freedom. The commissions of John Webb as Lieutenant and Captain hang in the Curtis Memorial library. The farm was a large one and extended westerly quite to the property of the Curtis home, and was bounded on the north partly by the highway and the farm of Theophilus Hall. This highway passed to the west from Curtis street following the general line of New Street until it reaches the present Elm Street when it turned diagonally to the northwest until it meets Olive Street and then westerly in the same direction, now followed by that street to the country road or Colony Street. At its junction on the south side was the home of Stephen Atwater-Olive Street east of the junction with this old street was not in existence until many years later.
47. Thomas Hart (Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Hawkins and Sarah (Royce/Roys) Hart, was born 29 September 1714. He died 12 July 1801.
He married Hannah Coe on 23 March 1742/43. Hannah was born 12 April 1712 and died in November 1783.
Thomas’ second wife was Rachel Barnes. She died 26 March 1810.
111. i. Ruth
48. Elizabeth Hart (Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Hawkins and Sarah (Royce/Roys) Hart, was born in 1716.
She married William Jerome, son of timothy Jerome, on 13 November 1738. He died in June 1794.
49. Mary Hart (Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Hawkins and Sarah (Royce/Roys) Hart, was born 21 June 1719.
She married Ebenezer Hawley, son of Joseph Hawley, 1 July 1741. He died 3 March 1769.
50. Benjamin Hart (Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Hawkins and Sarah (Royce/Roys) Hart, was born 28 January 1722 and he died 16 February 1745.
Benjamin married Phebe Rich, daughter of David Rich on 24 May 1744. After Benjamin died, Phebe married John Graves of Guilford, Connecticut on 17 July 1747. He died 13 December 1758. In 1761, Phebe married Jonathan Crampton of Guilford, Connecticut.
51. Samuel Hart (Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Hawkins and Mary (Street) Hart, was born 18 July 1735 and he died 12 January 1805.
Samuel married Bridget Fowler of Durham, Connecticut on 9 October 1759. She died 6 November 1827 at the age of 93 years.
He held the military rank of Lieutenant in the army of the Revolution, and was wounded at the battle of Saratoga after which he drew a pension. He settled in Durham on a farm given to his grandfather, Rev. Joseph Elliot, by the Legislature, for preaching the election sermon. When asked if he was the one that Arnold drove up, with the flat of his sword to action, he replied “No, I was so near the enemy Arnold dare not come.”
52. Mary Hart (Thomas, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Thomas and Mary (Thompson) Hart, was born 29 September 1702.
She married John Hooker Jr. on 4 July 1728.
53. Ebenezer Hart (Thomas, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Thomas and Mary (Thompson) Hart, was born 13 April 1705. He died in 1773.
He married Elizabeth Lawrence, a widow, on 9 June 1741. She died in 1814.
Ebenezer was chosen deacon of the Kensington Church 9 December 1762.
112. i. Ebenezer
113. ii. Jonathan
114. iii. Elizabeth
115. iv. Elihu
116. v. John
117. vi. Thomas
118. vii. Hannah
54. Elijah Hart (Thomas, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Thomas and Mary (Thompson) Hart, was born 1 February 1706/07 and died young (before 18 June 1711).
55. Hannah Hart (Thomas, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Thomas and Mary (Thompson) Hart, was born 1 February 1709.
She married Joseph Porter on 11 July 1728.
56. Elijah Hart (Thomas, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Thomas and Mary (Thompson) Hart, was born 18 June 1711at Kensington, Connecticut. He died 3 August 1772.
He married Abigail Goodrich on 26 December 1734, daughter of Allen and Elizabeth Goodrich.
119. i. Elijah
120. ii. Thomas
121. iii. Jehudah
122. iv. Josiah
123. v. Mary
124. vi. Benjamin
125. vii. Joseph
126. viii.Elizur
127. ix. Aaron
57. Ruth Hart (Thomas, Thomas7, Stephen1) daughter of Thomas and Mary (Thompson) Hart, was born 14 August 1713.
She married William Wadsworth on 15 May 1740.
58. Mercy Hart (Thomas, Thomas7, Stephen1) daughter of Thomas and Mary (Thompson) Hart, was born 13 January 1724 and died 8 November 1726. She is buried at the Great Swamp Yard and her stone is recorded as the oldest there.
59-67. Children of John Hart (John15, Thomas7, Stephen1),
Generation V
68. Ester Hart (John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of John and Esther (Gridley) Hart, was born 19 September 1707.
69. Judah Hart (John, John, John, Stephen), child of John and Esther (Gridley) Hart, was born 25 October 1709.
70. John Hart (John, John, John, Stephen), son of John and Esther (Gridley) Hart, was born 11 October 1714 in Farmington, Connecticut. He died in Cornwall, Connecticut on 18 December 1773.
He married Anna Hall in 1744.
On 30 January 1749/50 John married Huldah Gould.
John married Martha Foot on 28 May 1772.
His father's Will, dated March 2d, 1752, makes him one of the executors, and also gives him "all my house and homestead, and my lot, called the Meeting House Lot, of 3 1/2 acres, bounded east on Stephen Hart, north on highway, west on meeting-house yard." (Query - Is it not south on highway?) He removed to Canaan in 1740, but returned and located in Cornwall, Conn., in 1763, having sold the homestead he inherited of his father, in 1765, to Solomon and Amos Cowles. The house is still standing – 1874.
Issue with Huldah:
128. i. Annie
129. ii. Rufus
130. iii. Silas
131. iv. Thomas
132. v. John
Issue with Martha:
133. vi. Rufus
71. Mary Hart (John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of John and Esther (Gridley) Hart, was born 9 March 1716/17.
72. Sarah Hart (John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of John and Esther (Gridley) Hart, was born 19 June 1719.
73. Solomon Hart (John, John, John, Stephen), son of John and Esther (Gridley) Hart, was born 1 October 1724 in Kensington, Connecticut and died instantly on 15 August 1805 in North Cornwall, Connecticut.
He married Experience Cole on 3 March 1749/50.
Solomon was admitted to the church in Southington, September 27th, 1741. He was a deacon of the church, and lived in Congee, Farmington, where Romanta Porter resided. He removed to Tyringham, Mass. in 1761, and to Cornwall, Conn. in 1765.
134. i. Ruth
135. ii. Esther
136. iii. Titus
137. iv. Lot
138. v. Phineas
139. vi. Experience
140. vii. Jemima
141. viii. Elias
142. ix. Solomon
74. Ruth Hart (John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of John and Esther (Gridley) Hart, was born 25 October 1729 in Kensington, Connecticut. She died there 13 October 1745.
75. Sarah Hart (Nathaniel23, John9, John2, Stephen1), daughter of Nathaniel and Abigail (Hooker) Hart, was born 13 November 1720.
She married Dr. Jonathan Marsh of Norwich on 5 November 1747.
76. Abigail Hart (Nathaniel23, John9, John2, Stephen1), daughter of Nathaniel and Abigail (Hooker) Hart, was born 21 July 1723.
She married Dr. James Hurlburt.
77. Thankful Hart (Nathaniel23, John9, John2, Stephen1), daughter of Nathaniel and Abigail (Hooker) Hart, was born 4 July 1725.
She married Charles Brownson on 5 November 1747.
78. Nathaniel Hart (Nathaniel23, John9, John2, Stephen1), son of Nathaniel and Abigail (Hooker) Hart, was born 15 June 1728 and died 24 June 1728.
79. Hannah Hart (Nathaniel23, John9, John2, Stephen1), daughter of Nathaniel and Abigail (Hooker) Hart, was born 11 August 1729.
She married Thomas Stanley of Kensington on 21 March 1754.
80. Selah Hart (Nathaniel23, John9, John2, Stephen1), son of Nathaniel and Abigail (Hooker) Hart, was born 23 May 1732.
He married Mary Cole.
Selah’s second wife was Ruth Cole.
81. Nathaniel Hart (Nathaniel23, John9, John2, Stephen1), son of Nathaniel and Abigail (Hooker) Hart, was born 17 July 1735. He died in Kensington on 13 October 1773.
He married Martha Norton, daughter of Thomas Norton on 23 November 1758. Soon after Nathaniel’s death, Martha moved to Hartford, Connecticut.
82. Noadiah Hart (Nathaniel23, John9, John2, Stephen1), son of Nathaniel and Abigail (Hooker) Hart, was born 30 July 1737. He died 23 October 1817 in Southington.
He married Lucy Hurlburt, daughter of Stephen and Hannah Hurlburt on 20 November 1760. She was born 5 November 1733 and died 2 March 1785.
On 25 September 1785, Noadiah married Beula Clark (Tubbs).
83. Asahel Hart (Nathaniel23, John9, John2, Stephen1), son of Nathaniel and Abigail (Hooker) Hart, was born about 1742 and died 28 June 1775.
He graduated Yale College in 1764 and became a minister. Asahel was pastor of the church in North Canaan, Connecticut in 1770. He never married.
84. Lois Hart (Stephen, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), daughter of Stephen and Eunice (Munson) Hart
85. Samuel Hart (Stephen, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Stephen and Eunice (Munson) Hart, was born 2 December 1721.
86. Mary Hart (Stephen, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), daughter of Stephen and Eunice (Munson) Hart, was born 5 January 1723/24.
87. Stephen Hart (Stephen, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Stephen and Eunice (Munson) Hart, was born 21 July 1725.
88. David Hart (Stephen, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Stephen and Eunice (Munson) Hart, was born 28 June 1734 in Farmington. He died there in 1776.
89. Eunice Hart (Stephen, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), daughter of Stephen and Eunice (Munson) Hart, was born in 1738.
90. Amos Hart (Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Thomas and Anna (Stanley) Hart, was born 20 February 1721/22 in Southington, Connecticut. He died there 10 April 1798.
91. Anna Hart (Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), daughter of Thomas and Anna (Stanley) Hart, was born 25 September 1724.
92. Thomas Hart (Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Thomas and Anna (Stanley) Hart, was born in 1727 and died 23 March 1777 in Bristol, Connecticut.
143. i. Seth
93. Reuben Hart (Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Thomas and Anna (Stanley) Hart, was born 5 September 1729.
94. John Hart (Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Thomas and Anna (Stanley) Hart, was born 9 December 1731.
95. Dinah Hart (Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), daughter of Thomas and Anna (Stanley) Hart, was born 12 February 1733/34 and she died in August 1739.
96. Simeon Hart (Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Thomas and Anna (Stanley) Hart, was born 29 December 1735.
97. Levi Hart (Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Thomas and Anna (Stanley) Hart, was born 30 March 1738.
98. Dinah Hart (Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Thomas and Anna (Stanley) Hart, was born 10 October 1742 and died 10 September 1743.
99. Noah Hart (Joseph, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Joseph Hart.
144. i. Seth
*100. Timothy Hart (Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Nathaniel and Martha (lee) Hart,
He married Phebe Fenn.
Issue: (had at least six sons)
*145. i. Joel
101. Hawkins Hart (Hawkins28, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Hawkins and Susannah (Merriam) Hart, was born 8 March 1732 and died 4 April 1732.
102. Sarah Hart (Hawkins28, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Hawkins and Susannah (Merriam) Hart, was born 1 May 1733 and died 1 December 1742.
103. Susannah Hart (Hawkins28, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Hawkins and Susannah (Merriam) Hart, was born 31 December 1734 and died 3 December 1742.
104. Hawkins Hart (Hawkins28, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Hawkins and Susannah (Merriam) Hart, was born 3 January 1736/37 at Southington.
He married Hulda Woodruff, daughter of David and Mary (Porter) Woodruff, on 23 March 1758. She was born in 1737 and died 31 December 1795.
Hawkin’s second wife was Ruth Chubs of Barkhampsted, Connecticut (to which he moved). She is believed to be the mother of his child.
Hawkins was Lt. Of 7th Co. 5th Battalion, under Col. Douglass, Nathaniel Bunnel Capt.
146. i. Phebe
105. Luke Hart (Hawkins28, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Hawkins and Esther (Gridley) Hart, was born 8 January 1738/39.
He married Deborah Barnes, daughter of Benjamin and Hannah (Abbot) Barnes, in March 1764. She was born 10 November 1734 in Branford, Connecticut.
106. Josiah Hart (Hawkins28, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Hawkins and Esther (Gridley) Hart, was born 30 June 1740.
He married Elizabeth Moss of Wallingford, Connecticut, Connecticut, on 1 September 1761.
Josiah and Elizabeth removed to Rutland, Vermont.
107. Sarah Hart (Hawkins28, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Hawkins and Esther (Gridley) Hart, was born 27 November 1742 and died 27 November 1756.
108. David Hart (Hawkins28, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Hawkins and Esther (Gridley) Hart, was born 22 July 1745.
He married Lucy Codner.
In 1807 they moved to Middletown, Rutland County, Vermont.
109. Susanna Hart (Hawkins28, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Hawkins and Esther (Gridley) Hart, was born 12 January 1747/48 and died 26 October 1757.
110. Benjamin Hart (Hawkins28, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Hawkins and Esther (Gridley) Hart, was born 4 January 1750/5.
He married Jerusha Rich.
111. Ruth Hart (Thomas, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Thomas and Hannah (Coe), was born in 1744 and died in 1809.
She married Daniel Hill who was born in 1734 and died in 1799.
i. Ruth, born in 1772 and died in 1853. She wed Thomas Jerome. He was born in 1766 and died in 1837.
112. Ebenezer Hart (Ebenezer, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (?Lawrence?) Hart, was born 29 July 1742.
He married Lydia Benton on 5 April 1770.
113. Jonathan Hart (Ebenezer, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (?Lawrence?) Hart, was born in 1744.
He married Abigail Riley in 1777.
114. Elizabeth Hart (Ebenezer, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (?Lawrence?) Hart, was born 20 May 1746 and died 4 November 1766.
She was a schoolteacher.
115. Elihu Hart (Ebenezer, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (?Lawrence?) Hart, was born 4 March 1751. He died in a jail at Coxsackie, New York on 9 September 1806.
He married Mary Peck on 31 December 1777. She died 8 December 1797.
Dr. Elihu Hart of Kensington, Connecticut moved to New Durham, New York. He was unfortunate in business and was imprisoned for debt. Elihu was a private in Captain Silah Hart’s third Company of the Connecticut Line. In some places he is listed as Elisha.
147. i. Amos
148. ii. Jonathan
149.iii. Lavira
116. John Hart (Ebenezer, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (?Lawrence?) Hart, was born 11 March 1753.
He married Hannah Williams on 9 November 1786.
117. Thomas Hart (Ebenezer, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (?Lawrence?) Hart, was born 6 December 1754 at Kensington, Connecticut.
Thomas never married.
118. Hannah Hart (Ebenezer, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (?Lawrence?) Hart, was born in 1785. She died unmarried in 1810 from measles.
119. Elijah Hart (Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Elijah and Abigail (Goodrich) Hart, was born 26 September 1735. He died after 26 September 1777 at Kingston, Jamaica.
120. Thomas Hart (Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Elijah and Abigail (Goodrich) Hart, was born 12 January 1738.
He married Mehitabel Bird on 2 February 1758.
121. Jehudah Hart (Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Elijah and Abigail (Goodrich) Hart, was born 12 December 1739 and died 26 April 1825.
He married Mary Munson on 9 July 1767. She was the daughter of Reuben and Mary Munson.
His second wife was Elizabeth Mazuzen. They were married sometime after 28 October 1786. Elizabeth , daughter of Mark, died 26 April 1825. Elizabeth may have also been married to Phineas Judd Jr sometime before 1787.
Issue with Mary:
150. i. Mary
151. Asahel
152. James
153. Sylvia
154. Sylvia
155. Joel
156. Benjamin
157. Abigail
Issue with Elizabeth:
158. ix. Oliver
159. Laura
160. Elisur
122. Josiah Hart (Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Elijah and Abigail (Goodrich) Hart, was born 28 April 1742.
He married Abigail Sluman in 1765.
161-162. i.-ii. children
123. Mary Hart (Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Elijah and Abigail (Goodrich) Hart, was born 26 October 1744.
She married Jonathan Eno on 7 January 1765.
124. Benjamin Hart (Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Elijah and Abigail (Goodrich) Hart, was born 16 October 1747.
125. Joseph Hart (Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Elijah and Abigail (Goodrich) Hart, was born 17 May 1750.
He married Hulda Smith on 5 November 1772.
126. Elizur Hart (Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Elijah and Abigail (Goodrich) Hart, was born 25 December 1752.
He married Sarah Langdon on 1 January 1778.
127. Aaron Hart (Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Elijah and Abigail (Goodrich) Hart, was born 1 October 1756. He died 12 February 1761.
Generation VI
128. Annie Hart (John, John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of John and Huldah (Gould) Hart, was born 28 August 1753 in Kensington, Connecticut. She died 20 March 1810 in Cornwall, Connecticut.
129. Rufus Hart (John, John, John, John, Stephen), son of John and Huldah (Gould) Hart, was born 24 April 1755 in Kensington. He died 28 June 1765 in Cornwall, Connecticut.
130. Silas Hart (John, John, John, John, Stephen), son of John and Huldah (Gould) Hart, was born 19 May 1760.
131. Thomas Hart (John, John, John, John, Stephen), son of John and Huldah (Gould) Hart, was born 3 March 1756.
132. John Hart (John, John, John, John, Stephen), son of John and Huldah (Gould) Hart, was born 19 November 1751 and died 1 January 1777.
133. Rufus Hart (John, John, John, John, Stephen), son of John and Martha (Foot) Hart, was born 15 March 1773.
134. Ruth Hart (Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of Solomon and Experience (Cole) Hart, was born 31 December 1750 and died 14 March 1837.
She married Mr. Brownson.
135. Esther Hart (Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of Solomon and Experience (Cole) Hart, was born 26 March 1752 and died 4 December1807.
She married Mr. Abbot.
136. Titus Hart (Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of Solomon and Experience (Cole) Hart, was born 24 January 1754 in Kensington and died 31 October 1831 at North Cornwall.
137. Lot Hart (Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of Solomon and Experience (Cole) Hart, 1756-1826
138. Phineas Hart (Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of Solomon and Experience (Cole) Hart, 1758-1828
139. Experience Hart (Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of Solomon and Experience (Cole) Hart,
140. Jemima Hart (Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of Solomon and Experience (Cole) Hart,
141. Elias Hart (Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of Solomon and Experience (Cole) Hart, 1759-
142. Solomon Hart (Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of Solomon and Experience (Cole) Hart, was born 8 May 1766 in Cornwall, Connecticut. He died 26 June 1861 in New Marlboro, Massachusetts.
He married Jerusha Beach on 6 July 1786. She was born in 1767 and died 1 April 1845 (age 78 years).
From Andrews:
He was living at Hartsville, New Marlboro, Mass., July, 1849, aged 83 years. His
avocation was farming, and he held the military rank of captain. They have had
twelve children, who are all married, and have families. Mr. Hart is said to
have been strictly temperate in all things, (used no tobacco,) which accounts
for his good health and long life. He had the use of all his senses until the
last, could walk a number of miles in a day, and labored until over 90. He was
benevolent and kind, very anxious to suppress all evil habits in the rising
generation, and was strictly moral, although a non-professor of religion. He
lived to see five generations on the stage, founded the village of Hartsville,
and set agoing much machinery in that place, which was a wilderness when he
located there at 22 years of age. The village properly takes its name from its
founder and patron.
163. Reuben
164. Amanda
165. Elizabeth
166. Tynes
167. Polly
168. Almon
169. Candace
170. Anna
171. Solomon Randall
172. Milan
173. Alvira
174. Alfred
143. Seth Hart (Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Thomas Hart.
175. i. Jason
144. Seth Hart (Noah, Joseph, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen)
176. i. Noah
*145. Joel Hart (Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), sixth son of Timothy and Phebe (Fenn) Hart, was born 24 January 1766 in Wallingford, Connecticut.
He married Phebe Dallas.
They settled in Wallingford, Vermont where Joel was a farmer.
177. i. George
178. ii. Philo Dallas
*179. iii. Merrick
180. iv. Isaac
181. v. Joel Jr.
182. vi. Luther
183. vii. Alfred
184. viii. Harriet
185. ix. Betsey
146. Phebe Hart (Hawkins58, Hawkins28, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Hawkins and Ruth (Chubs) Hart,
She married Amos Woodruff.
147. Amos Hart (Elihu, Ebenezer, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Elihu and Mary (Peck) Hart, left home and was never heard of again.
148. Jonathan Hart (Elihu, Ebenezer, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Elihu and Mary (Peck) Hart, was married at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
149. Lavira/Lovira Hart (Elihu, Ebenezer, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Elihu and Mary (Peck) Hart, was born in Kensington, Connecticut 25 December 1788 and died in 1819 at Coxsackie, New York.
He married Anna Hotchkiss on 25 November 1800. Anna was born in Durham, Green County, New York on 22 June 1782 to Lemuel and Penelope (Mather) Hotchkiss.
150. Mary Hart (Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Jehudah and Mary (Munson) Hart, was born 5 August 1769.
She married Eliphalet Wadsworth on 24 December 1806.
151. Asahel Hart (Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Jehudah and Mary (Munson) Hart, was born 24 May 1771.
In 1790 he married Hannah Langdon.
His second wife was named Sarah.
152. James Hart (Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Jehudah and Mary (Munson) Hart, was born 22 May 1773 in New Britain, Connecticut and died 29 March 1813.
He married Sylvia Penfield in June 1793. She was born in June 1774 at New Britain, Connecticut to Nathaniel and Lydia (Barnes) Penfield. Sylvia died 20 October 1852 at St. Mary’s in Auglaize, Ohio. On 7 January 1818, Sylvia married John Wyardon.
186. Lydia
187. Ethan
188. Clarissa
189. Harriet
190. Mary
191. James
153. Sylvia Hart (Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Jehudah and Mary (Munson) Hart, was born 15 August 1774 and died 19 November 1776.
154. Sylvia Hart (Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Jehudah and Mary (Munson) Hart, was born 15 April 1777 and died 9 May 1864.
155. Joel Hart (Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Jehudah and Mary (Munson) Hart, was born 14 June 1779.
He married Lydia North on 17 September 1800.
156. Benjamin Hart (Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Jehudah and Mary (Munson) Hart, was born 20 November 1781.
He married Honor Deming on 28 July 1805.
157. Abigail Hart (Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Jehudah and Mary (Munson) Hart, was born 28 October 1786.
She married Moses D. Seymour on 19 January 1807.
158. Oliver Hart (Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Jehudah and Elizabeth (Mazuzen) Hart, was born 19 December 1788.
He married Deborah E. Hurlburt on 3 January 1838.
159. Laura Hart (Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Jehudah and Elizabeth (Mazuzen) Hart, died in 1793.
160. Elisur Hart (Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Jehudah and Elizabeth (Mazuzen) Hart, was born 9 October 1764.
He married Sophronia Jerome on 11 September 1832.
192. i. Mary
193. ii. Henry
161-162. (Josiah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen) Children of Josiah and Abigail (Sluman) Hart
Generation VII
163. Reuben Hart (Solomon, Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), son of Solomon and Jerusha (Beach) Hart.
164. Amanda Hart (Solomon, Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of Solomon and Jerusha (Beach) Hart.
165. Elizabeth Hart (Solomon, Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of Solomon and Jerusha (Beach) Hart.
166. Tynes Hart (Solomon, Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), son of Solomon and Jerusha (Beach) Hart.
167. Polly Hart (Solomon, Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of Solomon and Jerusha (Beach) Hart.
168. Almon Hart (Solomon, Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), son of Solomon and Jerusha (Beach) Hart.
169. Candace Hart (Solomon, Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of Solomon and Jerusha (Beach) Hart.
170. Anna Hart (Solomon, Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), daughter of Solomon and Jerusha (Beach) Hart.
171. Solomon Randall Hart (Solomon, Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), son of Solomon and Jerusha (Beach) Hart.
172. Milan Hart (Solomon, Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), son of Solomon and Jerusha (Beach) Hart.
173. Alvira Hart (Solomon, Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), child of Solomon and Jerusha (Beach) Hart.
174. Alfred Hart (Solomon, Solomon, John, John, John, Stephen), son of Solomon and Jerusha (Beach) Hart.
175. Jason Hart (Seth, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Seth and Mary (Wilcox) Hart, was born 1 February 1803 in Bristol, Connecticut. He died 20 February 1874 in Chelsea, Massachusetts.
Jason married Emily W. Goddard, daughter of Benjamin and Hannah (Luce) of Plymouth. Emily died 25 January 1893 in Boston.
He was a merchant at Plymouth and later in Boston.
194. i. Orin F.
195. Emily W.
196. Martha W.
197. Mary Jessie
198. Anna B.
199. Ida Leslie
176. Noah Hart (Seth, Noah, Joseph, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen)
200. i. Clement
177. George Hart (Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Joel and Phebe (Dallas) Hart, was born in Wallingford, Vermont.
He married Olive.
His second wife was Mary Hudson. She is the mother of his daughter.
201. i. Augusta
178. Philo Dallas Hart (Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Joel and Phebe (Dallas) Hart, was born in Wallingford, Vermont. He died 17 April 1879.
He married Almira White, daughter of Coledge White. She died 19 September 1868.
His second wife was Sarah A. Bateman. They were wed on 7 March 1869.
Philo was a farmer.
202. i. Philinda
203. ii. Lucinda
204. Electa
205. Harriet
206. Amy E.
207. Willard
208. Willis
*179. Merrick Hart (Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Joel and Phebe (Dallas) Hart, was born in Wallingford, Vermont 27 September 1800 and died there 25 April 1879.
He married Phillippe Smith 15 January 1826. She was born in 1808 and died 20 September 1880. her parents were Abram (born about 1763 and died 30 March 1829) and Selilah (born about 1767 and died 13 December 1840) Smith.
They lived in Wallingford, Vermont where Merrick was a farmer.
209. i. George Washington
210. ii. Philander Dallas
211. iii. Gilbert Pain
212. iv. Elhanna Winster
213. v. Roxanna
*214. vi. Orange McCluer
215. vii. Jeffrey Ballard
216. viii. Cornelius B.
217. ix. Julius C.
218. x. Ellen F.
219. xi. Frances Maria
180. Isaac Hart (Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Joel and Phebe (Dallas) Hart, was born in Wallingford, Vermont.
He married Polly Brown and lived in Wallingford.
220. i. Mary
221. Sarah
222. Henrietta
181. Joel Hart Jr. (Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Joel and Phebe (Dallas) Hart,
he married Nancy Sackett and settled in Michigan. They had several children.
182. Luther Hart (Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Joel and Phebe (Dallas) Hart, was born 20 February 1807 in Wallingford and died 25 April 1883.
He married Martha Howard on 28 February 1831. She was born 6 May 1816.
Luther lived in Wallingford until 1843 and then Hubbardton, Vermont. He was a farmer.
223. i. Betsey
224. Francis F.
225. Nathaniel Eugene
226. Silas Luther
227. Mary Ellen
228. Harriet Orletta
229. Julinus Augustus
230. William Nelson
231. Minerva Abigail
232. Emma L.
233. Jennie Sarah
234. Ida Isabel
235. Henry J.
236. Meavale Reginald
183. Alfred Hart (Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Joel and Phebe (Dallas) Hart,
He married Florentine McInstry.
184. Harriet Hart (Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Joel and Phebe (Dallas) Hart,
She married Ward Kingsbury.
185. Betsey Hart (Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Joel and Phebe (Dallas) Hart,
She married Nelson Kingsbury of Londonderry, Vermont. They had eight children.
186. Lydia Hart (James, Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of James and Sylvia (Penfield) Hart, was born 13 May 1796.
She married John C. Root on 25 November 1818.
187. Ethan Hart (James, Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of James and Sylvia (Penfield) Hart, was born in September 1799.
He married Martha Ward on 3 November 1819.
237. i. Henry James
188. Clarissa Hart (James, Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of James and Sylvia (Penfield) Hart, was born 22 february 1803.
She married Enos Beckwith in June 1822.
189. Harriet Hart (James, Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of James and Sylvia (Penfield) Hart, was born 6 October 1806.
She married William McCreary in April 1821.
190. Mary Hart (James, Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of James and Sylvia (Penfield) Hart, was born in January 1810 in New Britain, Connecticut and died in March 1889.
She married George Whitefield McLaughlin on 18 May 1829 in Martinsburg, Ohio.
i. Almira
ii. Amanda
iii. Eliza
iv. Sarah
v. William Hart
vi. Mary Ellen
vii. George cannon
viii. Martha Antoinette
ix. John Charles
191. James Hart (James, Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of James and Sylvia (Penfield) Hart, was born in March 1812 and died in November 1819.
192. Mary Hart (Elisur, Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Elisur and Sophronia (Jerome) Hart.
193. Henry Hart (Elisur, Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Elisur and Sophronia (Jerome) Hart.
Generation VIII
194. Orin F. Hart (Jason, Seth, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Jason and Emily (Goddard) Hart, was born in 1838 at Plymouth. He died 25 March 1899 at Chelsea, Massachusetts.
He married Ellen M. Bolton on 9 February 1862 at Boston. She was born in Surry, New Hampshire, daughter of Abijah and Rebecca Bolton. Ellen died 27 April 1866.
Orin wed Isabella Wells on 8 July 1867 in Plymouth. She was born in Plymouth to Phineas and Mercy Wells. Isabella died 17 August 1869.
Orin’s third wife was Mary Conner. They were married on 24 November 1870 at Exeter, New Hampshire. Mary was born in Exeter to Jewett and Lydia Conner.
Orin lived in Boston and Chelsea, Massachusetts.
238. i. Orin Conner
239. ii. Herbert Jason
240. iii. Ernest Jason
195. Emily W. Hart (Jason, Seth, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), daughter of Jason and Emily (Goddard) Hart, was born in Plymouth and died before 1893.
She married William W. Conner and lived in Boston.
i. Arthur J.
196. Martha W. Hart (Jason, Seth, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), daughter of Jason and Emily (Goddard) Hart, was born in Plymouth 11 February 1846.
She married William H. Lamb, son of Anthony and fanny Lamb on 21 May 1866.
They lived in Norwich, New York.
197. Mary Jessie Hart (Jason, Seth, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), daughter of Jason and Emily (Goddard) Hart, was born in Plymouth 8 July 1848.
She married Walter Eaton of New York City on 2 April 1867.
Her second husband was Mr. Johnson.
198. Anna B. Hart (Jason, Seth, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), daughter of Jason and Emily (Goddard) Hart, was born in Plymouth.
199. Ida Leslie Hart (Jason, Seth, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), daughter of Jason and Emily (Goddard) Hart, was born in Plymouth on 26 May 1853.
She married John Elssaer, son of John and Sedonie Elssaer on 14 december 1880 in Boston.
200. Clement Hart (Noah, Seth, Noah, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Noah.
241. i. Frank Clement
201 Augusta Hart (George67, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of George and Mary (Hudson) Hart, died in Boston, Massachusetts 24 April 1854. She is buried at Bradford, NH. Augusta did not marry.
202. Philinda Hart (Philo, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Philo Hart, married Isaac O. Titus of Wallingford on 26 February 1843.
203. Lucinda Hart (Philo, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Philo Hart, married Anson Eddy.
204. Electa Hart (Philo, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Philo Hart, married Ed Cutler.
205. Harriet Hart (Philo, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Philo Hart, married Mr. McKnight.
206. Amy E. Hart (Philo, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Philo Hart, married Horatio N. Godill on 20 March 1869. They lived in east Wallingford, Vermont.
207. Willard Hart (Philo, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), son of Philo Hart, was born (and lived) in Wallingford. He died 25 November 1882.
Willard married Susan Tarbell on 13 October 1844.
242. i. Clandius A.
243. ii. son
208. Willis Hart (Philo, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), son of Philo Hart, was born in Wallingford.
He married Ann Johnson in 1902.
Willis lived in Weston, Vermont. He served in the Civil War and enlisted from Wallingford.
244. i. Daughter
245. ii. Ellen G.
246. iii. Willis
247. iv. daughter
209. George Washington Hart (Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Merrick and Phillipe (Smith) Hart, was born in Wallingford, Vermont, 2 October 1828.
He married Julia Ann Stirns and lived in Brattleboro, Vermont. George was a Civil War Veteran.
248. i. William
249. ii. Charles Franklin
250. iii. Nellie
210. Philander Dallas Hart (Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Merrick and Phillipe (Smith) Hart, was born in Wallingford, Vermont, 17 October 1830.
He married Mary Patch, daughter of Samuel and Eleanor (Clemons) Patch. She died 14 January 1884.
His second wife was Jennie Gates. They were wed in 1898.
He lived in Wallingford, Vermont and was a farmer.
251. i. Ella Eliza
252. ii. Allison S.
253. iii. Sherwin W.
254. iv. Dana
255. v. Jeffrey H.
256. vi. Fred
211. Gilbert Pain Hart (Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Merrick and Phillipe (Smith) Hart, was born in Wallingford, Vermont, 29 August 1831. He died unmarried 13 January 1882.
212. Elhanna Winster Hart (Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Merrick and Phillipe (Smith) Hart, was born in Wallingford, Vermont, 15 July 1834.
He married Abigail Edgerton, daughter of Isaac Edgerton. They lived in Wallingford.
257. i. Nellie
258. ii. Anna Belle
259. iii. Carrie
213. Roxanna Hart (Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Merrick and Phillipe (Smith) Hart, was born in Wallingford, Vermont, 27 September 1836. She died 15 January 1801.
Roxanna married Harrison Sherman of Danby, Vermont in 1854.
i. Ella, married Homer Cook. Had three kids and lived in Cavedish, Vermont.
ii. Ira
iii. Myron
*214. Orange McCluer Hart (Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Merrick and Phillipe (Smith) Hart, was born in Wallingford, Vermont, 7 May 1838. He died 2 April 1895
Orange married Helen M. Pelsue on 1 December 1874. She was born 11 June 1846 in Shrewsbury, Vermont and died 11 August 1927 in Viroqua, Wisconsin (probably at the county home). Helen’s brothers were Daniel B. (born 4 August 1836 at Wallingford, CT), Howard J. (born 15 July 1839 at Wallingford), William F. (born 5 September 1841 at Wallingford), and Frank F. (born 31 October 1848 at Shrewsbury).
He moved from Vermont to Michigan. Orange was a farmer.
260. i. Frank V.
261. ii. Fredrick P.
262. iii. Julius
263. iv. Ardo
264. v. Almen/Almon/Alimon
265. vi. Henry/Harry
266. vii. some sources state another child: perhaps Almen/Almon/Alimon
267. viii. some sources state another child: perhaps Henry/Harry
215. Jeffrey Ballard Hart (Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Merrick and Phillipe (Smith) Hart, was born in Wallingford, Vermont, 6 December 1840. He died while in service with the Vermont Calvary in the Civil War on 5 September 1861.
216. Cornelius B. Hart (Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Merrick and Phillipe (Smith) Hart, was born in Wallingford, Vermont, 6 August 1843.
In 1862 he married Elvira Baley.
They lived in Kingsbury, New York.
268. i. Elvira
217. Julius C. Hart (Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Merrick and Phillipe (Smith) Hart, was born in Wallingford, Vermont, 28 September 1846. He died 30 October 1873.
In 1865 he married Josie Maria Bronby.
They lived in Danby, Vermont. Julius was a solider in the Civil War.
218. Ellen F. Hart (Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Merrick and Phillipe (Smith) Hart, was born in Wallingford, Vermont, 22 May 1848 and died 25 September 1849.
219. Frances Maria Hart (Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Merrick and Phillipe (Smith) Hart, was born in Wallingford, Vermont, 10 November 1850.
She married William Oscar Wilber on 22 October 1876. He died 22 January 1894.
On 17 April 1896 she married Felix Lesson. They lived in Tinmouth, Vermont. She had the records of Merrick Hart and his descendents.
Issue with William Wilbur:
i. Clarence J., born 15 March 1881.
220. Mary Hart (Isaac, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Isaac and Polly (Brown) Hart, married James Willmouth and had two daughters.
221. Sarah Hart (Isaac, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Isaac and Polly (Brown) Hart, married Henry Clark and had one child.
222. Henrietta Hart (Isaac, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Isaac and Polly (Brown) Hart, married John Willmouth.
i. Catherine, married George Brannon of Granville, New York.
223. Betsey Hart (Luther, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Luther and Martha (Howard) Hart, was born in Wallingford 12 May 1833 and died 9 January 1858.
224. Francis F. Hart (Luther, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), child of Luther and Martha (Howard) Hart, was born in Wallingford 19 February 1835 and died 28 January 1864.
225. Nathaniel Eugene Hart (Luther, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), son of Luther and Martha (Howard) Hart, was born in Wallingford 11 January 1837.
226. Silas Luther Hart (Luther, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), son of Luther and Martha (Howard) Hart, was born in Wallingford 21 March 1839.
227. Mary Ellen Hart (Luther, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Luther and Martha (Howard) Hart, was born in Wallingford 16 December 1842.
She married Elias Wood and then Solon Underwood. Mary lived in Londonderry, Vermont.
228. Harriet Orletta Hart (Luther, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Luther and Martha (Howard) Hart, was born in Wallingford
229. Julinus Augustus Hart (Luther, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), child of Luther and Martha (Howard) Hart, was born in Wallingford
230. William Nelson Hart (Luther, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), son of Luther and Martha (Howard) Hart, was born in Wallingford
231. Minerva Abigail Hart (Luther, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Luther and Martha (Howard) Hart, was born in Wallingford
232. Emma L. Hart (Luther, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Luther and Martha (Howard) Hart, was born in Wallingford
233. Jennie Sarah Hart (Luther, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Luther and Martha (Howard) Hart, was born in Wallingford
234. Ida Isabel Hart (Luther, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Luther and Martha (Howard) Hart, was born in Wallingford
235. Henry J. Hart (Luther, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), son of Luther and Martha (Howard) Hart, was born in Wallingford
236. Meavale Reginald Hart (Luther, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), son of Luther and Martha (Howard) Hart, was born in Wallingford
237. Henry James Hart (Ethan, James, Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Ethan and Martha (Ward) Hart, was born in Stonington, Connecticut in 1820.
He married Sophia Peck.
269. i. Henry Ethan
270. ii. Charles Emerson
Generation IX
238. Orin Conner Hart (Orin, Jason, Seth, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Orin Hart was born in 1871.
He married Blanche Tent of Chelsea and lived in Wellesley, Massachusetts.
271. Orin F.
239. Herbert Jason Hart (Orin, Jason, Seth, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Orin Hart, was born 1 September 1874 in Plymouth.
240. Ernest Jason Hart (Orin, Jason, Seth, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Orin Hart, was born 8 July 1876 in Chelsea.
241. Frank Clement Hart (Clement, Noah, Seth, Noah, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Clement Hart.
272. i. Lester
242. Clandius A. Hart (Willard, Philo, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Willard and Susan (Tarbell) Hart, married Thomas Mahar on 28 October 1868.
243. Son Hart (Willard, Philo, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), son of Willard and Susan (Tarbell) Hart, was born 15 January 1859.
244. Daughter Hart (Willis, Philo, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Willis and Ann (Johnson) Hart, was born Wallingford 31 December 1857.
245. Ellen G. Hart (Willis, Philo, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Willis and Ann (Johnson) Hart, was born in Wallingford 23 May 1859.
246. Willis Hart (Willis, Philo, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), son of Willis and Ann (Johnson) Hart, was born in Wallingford 6 September 1863.
247. Daughter Hart (Willis, Philo, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Willis and Ann (Johnson) Hart, was born in Wallingford 8 January 1867.
248. William Hart (George, Merrick, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), son of George and Julia (Stirns) Hart, died in about 1880.
249. Charles Franklin Hart (George, Merrick, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), son of George and Julia (Stirns) Hart, was born in about 1860.
250. Nellie Hart (George, Merrick, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of George and Julia (Stirns) Hart, died in 1887.
251. Ella Eliza Hart (Philander, Merrick, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Philander Hart, was born in 1854.
She married Mark E. Hawkins 22 October 1874.
252. Allison S. Hart (Philander, Merrick, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Philander Hart, was born 14 August 1857.
253. Sherwin W. Hart (Philander, Merrick, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), son of Philander Hart, was born 22 November 1861.
He married Orvetta M. Morse, daughter of Eli Morse.
Sherwin lived in Pomfret, VT.
254. Dana Hart (Philander, Merrick, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), child of Philander Hart, was born 20 March 1864 and died 21 August 1865.
255. Jeffrey H. Hart (Philander, Merrick, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), son of Philander Hart, married Mary E. Sherman, daughter of Russell Sherman. They lived in Wallingford.
256. Fred Hart (Philander, Merrick, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), son of Philander Hart, married Arvilla Morse.
257. Nellie Hart (Elhanna, Merrick, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Elhanna and Abigail (Edgerton) Hart
258. Anna Belle Hart (Elhanna, Merrick, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Elhanna and Abigail (Edgerton) Hart
259. Carrie Hart (Elhanna, Merrick, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Elhanna and Abigail (Edgerton) Hart
260. Frank V. Hart (Orange, Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), (a twin) son of Orange and Helen (Pelsue) Hart, was born 15 August 1875 in Vermont. He died 23 January 1919.
261. Fredrick P. Hart (Orange, Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), (a twin) son of Orange and Helen (Pelsue) Hart, was born 15 August 1875 in Vermont and died 3 December 1950 in Viroqua, Wisconsin.
262. Julius Hart (Orange, Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Orange and Helen (Pelsue) Hart, was born 29 July 1877 in Wisconsin. He died 23 April 1950 at 10:50p.m. and is buried with Delia at the Stoddard Cemetery.
Julius, often known as Jewell, married Delia Ann Steege. Delia was born 27 July 1886 and died at 12:35p.m. on 31 March 1949.
Delia is possibly the daughter of Ella Amanda (Foster) Steege, according to some records. (Ella was born 6 January 1891 in Dearborn, Michigan). {see note} Delia’s brother are W. Curt (born in 1889 and died in 1966 he wed Emma), and Irvin. Her mother’s second husband was Herman William Dennison (born 27 February 1894 in Milford, Michigan). Delia’s half brother was Admiral Schley Dennison. Ella’s parents are listed as Orville Henry and Adella Dorothea (Plager) Steege. Delia also had a cousin named Fred Steege.
Note: If Ella was born in 1891, her kids were born before her. Perhaps the dates are wrong?
278. Daisy Eleanora
279. Irvin/Erwin Clarence Pearl
280. Wilbur C. E.
281. Bernice M. K.
263. Ardo Hart (Orange, Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Orange and Helen (Pelsue) Hart, was born 16 April 1880 in Wisconsin.
264. Almen/Almon/Alimon E. Hart (Orange, Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Orange and Helen (Pelsue) Hart, was born 11 November 1883 and died 22 August 1885.
265. Henry/Harry Hart (Orange, Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Orange and Helen (Pelsue) Hart, was born 1 July 1885 and died 12 April 1963.
266. (Orange, Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Orange and Helen (Pelsue) Hart . **** In our family bible there are several entries with a version of Almen/Almon/Alimon. Many sources list eight children in this family (this may be #7). I believe there was also an Alimon E. who 1 July 1885 and died 12 April 1963.
267. (Orange, Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Orange and Helen (Pelsue) Hart . **** In our family bible there are also two entries with a version of Henry/Harry. Many sources list eight children in this family. Above is one Henry/Harry and here perhaps is another: There is a Harry Hart born 10 December 1887 and died 29 March 1907.
268. Elvira Hart (Cornelius, Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1),
269. Henry Ethan Hart (Henry, Ethan, James, Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Henry and Sophia (Peck) Hart, married Celina Lewis.
270. Charles Emerson Hart (Henry, Ethan, James, Jehudah, Elijah, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen), son of Henry and Sophia (Peck) Hart, was born in 1847.
Generation X
271. Orin F. Hart (Orin, Orin, Jason, Seth, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Orin Hart was born 27 October 1895.
272. Lester Hart (Frank, Clement, Noah, Seth, Noah, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Frank Hart.
282. i. Ken
273-277. Children of Fred Hart (Fred, Philander, Merrick, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1),
278. Daisy Eleanora Hart (Julius, Orange, Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Julius and Delia (Steege) Hart, was born 23 July 1906 in Stoddard, Wisconsin and died 19 June 1970 in LaCrosse, Wisconsin at St. Francis Hospital. She died from a liver disorder. Daisy and William are buried at Genoa, Wisconsin at the catholic cemetery (St. Charles).
She married William John Hirschuber, son of William and Julianna (Dubielle) Hirschuber, in 1924 at Viroqua, Wisconsin. William was born 25 June 1891 in Stoddard, Wisconsin and died 27 November 1969 in Madison, Wis. at the Veteran’s Hospital. He died from a heart attack and is buried beside Daisy.
i. Fern Pauline
ii. Alma Matilda
iii. Elsie Marie
iv. Beverly Anna
v. William john
vi. Leslie August
vii. Mary Kathryn
viii. Julia Elizabeth
ix. George Ralph
x. Daniel Joseph
xi. James John
xii. Raymond Eugene
xiii. Carole Lynn
279. Irvin/Erwin Clarence Pearl Hart (Julius, Orange, Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Julius and Delia (Steege) Hart, was born 28 April 1909 and died 22 March 1953 at 3pm in LaCrescent, Minnesota.
283. i. Willard
284. ii. Shirley
285. iii. Leone
286. iv. Karen
280. Wilbur C. E. Hart (Julius, Orange, Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), son of Julius and Delia (Steege) Hart, was born 17 January 1912 and died 13 December 1971.
281. Bernice M. K. Hart (Julius, Orange, Merrick69, Joel65, Timothy54, Nathaniel25, Hawkins13, Thomas7, Stephen1), daughter of Julius and Delia (Steege) Hart, was born 24 July 1915 and died in March 1994.
She married Marion McClellan.
Later Bernice married Billy Gunn.
Bernice also wed Alfred Mitchell. Bernice lived in Montana.
Issue with Marion McClellan:
i. Clarence
ii. Stanley
iii. Bernard F., born 27 May 1937.
iv. Mary
v. Anna May
vi. Richard, born and died in 1932.
vii.-viii had 1-2 other children
Generation XI
282. Ken Hart (Lester, Frank, Clement, Noah, Seth, Noah, Thomas, Stephen, Stephen), son of Frank Hart.
As of October 1996, Ken lived at 1776 Stuart St. Cambria, CA 93428. Phone 805-927-3898 and email khart@telis.org
283. Willard Hart (Erwin, Julius, Orange, Merrick, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), son of Erwin Hart.
284. Shirley Hart (Erwin, Julius, Orange, Merrick, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Erwin Hart.
285. Leone Hart (Erwin, Julius, Orange, Merrick, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), child of Erwin Hart
286. Karen Hart (Erwin, Julius, Orange, Merrick, Joel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Hawkins, Thomas, Stephen), daughter of Erwin Hart