Egyptian Girl Guide Association
Girl guiding/scouting was introduced in 1913
Guides and Brownies became full members of Wagggs in 1931
Membership in 1995 was 88,487
Membership as a % of the femle population was 0.38%
WAGGGS Region is Arab
Age groups:
Rangers 16+
Guides 11-16
Brownies 6-11
Brownie Motto: Helping People
Brownie Promise:
I promise to do my best:
To perform my duty towards God and my dear country:
To help people everyday, especially my family
Brownie Law:
Brownies obey all people older than ourselves
Brownies do not give in to their own desires
Guide and above:
Motto: Be Prepared
Guide/Ranger Promise:
I promise on my honor to do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to help other people at all times and to obey the Guide law.