From the February 1998 edition of the JGL Newsletter by Bev Crim

The countries in this ceremony were chosen for contrast of cultures and location, but other countries in the World Association could be substituted.

Materials needed:

CAUTION: As with campfires, care should be taken around candles. Girls with long hair should have it tied back away from any danger of catching on fire!!!

To begin the ceremony, the cut out of the WAGGGS pin is placed in the center of the floor. The troop members file in quietly and with dignity. If there are guests, the girls form a semi-circle around the trefoil facing the audience. Otherwise, they form a large circle around the trefoil.

The girl at the top of the trefoil represents the Spirit of Friendship. She carries the large candle with the drip catcher. It
should be lit before the ceremony begins. Eight other girls representing Finland, Brazil, Italy, Ghana, Japan, Great Britain, and the United States, carry small, unlighted candles. These eight girls should be evenly distributed around the trefoil.

Spirit of Friendship: (taking several steps forward) My name is Friendship. Every night and day, I knock upon the doors of the world. I cry to be let in. Too many times I am turned away, because the people fear - but when youth lifts the latch, I walk straight in! You bid me welcome, Sisterhood of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts of the world. So, on this day, when thoughts and friendship travel fast and far, I come among you to renew our pledge of fellowship, and to hear once more your law.

Troop: (all together) A Girl Scout will do her best to be a sister to every Girl Scout.

Friendship: Let us utter in many languages the pledge of friendship and of sisterhood.

Finland: (steps forward, walks to Friendship, lights her candle,returns to the left base of the trefoil where she places her candle in the holder and kneels beside it) Finland is my home, where sun at midnight shines on mountain snow; where work and service light us, like our sun. Friendship and peace are the aims of Girl Guides in our land. Our hope is that soon in all the world there shall be no more night.

Brazil: (same action as Finland, but the candle is placed in a holder at the right of the base of the trefoil)
Brazil is my country. Neath the Southern Cross, the mountains plunge into a palm fringed sea. This wonderland, our home, teaches us Guides reverence for all creation, love our friends.

Italy: (stepping forward) From Guides of Italy, I bring you greetings! While war still raged, we organized our troops.

India: (stepping forward) And from the Asian continent I come, bearing good wishes from our Indian Guides.

Friendship: Italy, India, light your flames, and ring our trefoil round with stars of trust.

(Italy and India light their candles from Friendship’s candle and return, one to each side of the trefoil, places candles on opposite points and stands beside them.)

Ghana: (Goes to Friendship, lights candle, returns to trefoil, puts down candle and stands beside it) From yet another continent am I. Bringing you greetings from Ghana. At home, the trefoil makes us all as one, links us, regardless of our race or creed. So, to our sisterhood, honor and love.

Japan: (Similar action to Ghana’s) Happy are we, in far Japan, because we are your sisters, too, and share the Law and Promise, and the fun of being Girl Guides. I light this candle for my friends at home.

Friendship: I call now on the country where your dream of fellowship became born the dreamer of the dream, who made it come to life throughout the world; the birthplace of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell.

Great Britain: (Similar action) Greetings from Great Britain’s Guides who reach across the sea to grasp your hands.

Friendship: Lastly on the United States, I call. One nation formed from many, where men live at peace together, and where friendship walks at will.

United States: (Similar action to Ghana’s) Over three million strong, we Girl Scouts of the United States seek
understanding and true fellowship among ourselves at home. With our friends around the world, Girl Scouts and Girl Guides, we shall keep faith.

Entire troop now sings “Make New Friends” as the countries pick up their candles and return to their places in the semi-circle. The Spirit of Friendship also returns to her original position. The troop leaves as it came in silence.