Ceremony used at Annual Meeting in Syracuse By troop 318
Color Guard Advance
Color Guard Post the colors
(quietly) Color Guard Honor your flag (flag carriers put hand on heart 3 seconds then turn around)
(Tristin) Please be seated for the introduction of our flag (other girls line up in order...Angela at table with basket, then Kayleigh, Samantha, Tristin, Whitney)
Kay go to back of table as Angela hands you red stripes
(Kayleigh) Red For Valor- For the courage of all women who with a dream in their hearts crossed the oceans to begin life in a free land. For the bravery of women with hope and faith crossed the prarie and mountains of our vast land. For the steadfastness of those women who through all adversities shouldered the Country's burdens to emerge as strong individuals.
Samantha go to back of table as Angela hands you white stripes.
(Samantha) White for Purity- For the integrity of all women whose fortitude wove the strands of diverse cultures into our national heritage. For the piety of all women whose faith formed the foundation upon which our Country was built and continues to grow.
Tristin go to back of table as Angela hands you blue squares
(Tristin) Blue for justice- For the foresight of all those women who created an atmosphere in which each of their children develop to their fullest potential. For the perseverance of all those women who contributed their talents to further the development of our country.
Whitney go to back of table as Angela hands you stars
(Whitney) Stars for dreams...For the dreams of the future that : The generations of tomorrow may fulfill the promise of the past 200 years, so that the visions of our Fore-Mothers will be revitalized and the future will hold hope and promise for all generations to come.
(Angela stir the pot)
(Kayleigh) Stirring are the stories of my Stars and Stripes. I symbolize the soul of America, typifing her ideals and aspirations, her institutions and traditions.
(Angela and Samantha remove the flag)
(Tristin) This flag, which we honor and under which we serve is the emblem of our unity, our power, and thought and purpose as a Nation.
(Whitney) Will you please stand and join us in saying the Pledge of Allegiance
(Whitney) Please join us in the Girl Scout Promise
Angela and Samantha fold flag Kayleigh and Whitney grab stuff
(Tristin) Color Guard Dismissed
Girls turn and file out with stuff (Samantha with flag)