
Dairy Patch

The Dairy Patch allows girls to have fun learning about the world of Dairy Farming.

This patch takes about 2-4 meetings to earn.

Our Troops Activities: the following are activities which we completed or have planned in connection with earning this patch.

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1st) We went to Tully, NY to the Agway Research Farm (pictured above).  We left at 7am in order to see the 8am milking.  After the milking we were given a tour of the farm and got to ask lots of questions.  After the tour we watched a great film and even received a bag of goodies to take home.  There was no charge for this activity.   The people at the farm did a great job and the girls had a lot of fun.  Their favorite parts were petting the cows and seeing the nursery.  At our next meeting we drew pictures and wrote Thank-you notes and sent it to the people at the farm.

2nd) Thanks to the people at the Agway research Farm we found out why June is Dairy month.

3rd) At the farm and once we got back we learned about the different types of cows.

4th & 5th) We are making homemade ice cream and butter.
